Responding to massive enforcement penalties imposed by Ofwat on three water companies Thames Water, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water totalling £168 million, Chair and Founder of River Action Charles Watson said, “Last year sewage was discharged across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales more than 596,666 times. That’s over 1,600 times a day – and with many of these discharges being illegal, this situation is completely unacceptable.

“Thankfully the water regulator, for so long toothless, is finally waking up to the scale of the public’s outrage and we are starting to see some meaningful penalties being imposed upon the worst offenders. However, remember that the water industry was able to find more than £1.4 billion to hand out to their shareholders in dividends last year, which gives context to these fines. Until the ability of these polluting companies to hand out so much cash is severely curtailed, pollution will continue to be a highly profitable activity with inadequate incentives for the water companies to fix their creaking infrastructure and stop filling our rivers with raw sewage.

This is in response to the story as posted here, of course.

  • Zip2
    6 months ago

    Ah yes, the “massive” enforcement penalties….