Back when there were fewer UK television channels than non-red balls on a snooker table, Steve Davis was king of the green baize.

He was the player many loved to hate, with his emotionless, robotic style making him a household name who won six world titles during the 80s.

That same “uninteresting” persona was even lampooned by notorious ITV puppet show Spitting Image - a dubious honour usually reserved for heads of state, top ranking politicians and Hollywood celebrities.

Who then would have foreseen Davis eventually rebrand as one of the country’s top DJs, performing everywhere from the Glastonbury Festival to supporting Britpop giants Blur at Wembley Stadium?

Not only that, the 66-year-old Londoner will also be appearing at the 40th Brecon Jazz Festival this weekend., external

There he will be joined by long-time musical collaborator Gaz Williams, the duo promising an “utterly unique” immersive sound and light experience at the town’s cathedral on Saturday, 10 August.

But rather than a set of turntables, both will be playing a modular synthesizer - to the uninitiated, a baffling box of switches, dials, sliders and wires - to create hypnotic soundscapes of loops, samples drones and textures.

“What we do isn’t jazz as such, but we are improvising and that’s very jazz-like,” said Davis, who now lives just the other side of the Severn Bridge.