This is a sequel to my previous post. The idea is the same, but I’m using better methods as was suggested in the comments.

As u/Sodium_nitride (thank you!) explained, here…

  • …I use a production matrix instead of the Cobb-Douglas function.
  • …I use capital-time instead of capital, to handle depreciation.
  • …classes consume commodities, seeking to maximize the amount consumed.

Also, I purchased the book suggested by u/davel :)

We use the following definitions:

  • Labor is measured relative to A’s total labor power.
  • B has b labor power, assumed to be proportional to population.
  • Capital-time and commodities are measured in units of what can be produced directly from 1 unit of labor.
  • Labor sold is represented with w, and the salary is used to purchase capital-time s_k and commodities s_c.
  • Consumption of A is c, while that of B is z*b*c, where z is the ratio of per capita consumption.

Production matrix:

        /0 0 0\
    A = |1 m 0|
        \1 n 0/

Input vectors:

          /  1 - w  \
    x_A = |k_A + s_k|
          \    0    /

          /  b + w  \
    x_B = |k_B - s_k|
          \    0    /

Demand vectors:

          / w - 1 \
    y_A = | -s_k  |
          \c - s_c/

          /  -b - w   \
    y_B = |    s_k    |
          \z*b*c + s_c/

Payoff functions:

	X_A = c
	X_B = z*c

Case 1: full equilibrium

In this case, we assume that A and B can negotiate w, s_k and s_c freely, with no party being able to obtain a better bargaining position.

The Nash equilibrium is:

    w = s_k = s_c = 0
    c = (m - n - 1)/(m - 1)
    z = 1

That is, both groups are independent and produce their own capital-time and commodities. Their consumption is directly proportional to their labor power. Effectively, there is no difference between A and B, any member of either group belongs to the same class.

Case 2: asymmetric capital ownership

Here, we set k_A = s_k = 0, so A owns no capital-time. A and B can negotiate w and s_c under the same conditions as in Case 1.

The Nash equilibrium is:

    w = 1
    s_c = c = (1/2)*(m - n - 1)/(m - 1)
    z = 2 + 1/b

As can be seen, in this case A works for B and obtains a salary. Interestingly, this salary is exactly half of what A would have obtained in Case 1. From this and z’s non-dependence on m and n, we can deduce that increases in productivity scale both A’s and B’s earnings with the same coefficient, so it’s impossible for B to force A’s income to any specific minimum.

We also see that B’s per capita income is higher when less people belong to the group. For a small enough group, B’s total income approaches that of A, just extremely concentrated.

A plausible hypothesis here is that, if the initial situation is Case 2 but productivity is more than high enough to sustain A’s needs (thanks to the inevitable scaling described before), then A would be able to eventually negotiate their way to the final equilibrium, Case 1, provided a minimally feasible way to obtain capital.

If that is the case, the (surreal, but theoretically interesting) requirements to get to the equilibrium could be summarized like this:

  1. All members of A cooperate perfectly (obviously false).
  2. B has no way to gain an advantage (bourgeois state in general).
  3. The productive forces have developed beyond a critical point.

Further questions

  • How could one verify the hypothesis above? I know how to use production matrices in a state of equilibrium, but what about transient states?
  • What if individuals can freely move across groups as their economic status changes and so do their interests? I know nothing about cooperative game theory, so this could be an interesting start.
  • What if members of A and/or B do not cooperate perfectly?
  • What are the minimum requirements for a mechanism that could allow the cooperative result in a non-cooperative Nash equilibrium?
    19 days ago

    I think one of the main effect a state should have in this model is offset the negotiations in favor of the ruling class, since the point of the state is to allow the ruling class to guaranty their control over the means of productions.

    For example, if workers try to occupy their employer’s factory as a bargaining chip, the owner would call the bourgeoie police to chase them, taking the bargaining chip away from the workers and back to the capitalist who hereby maintain his control over the worker’s jobs and consumption.

    So the rulling class should be assumed to have an advantage in negotiations.

    If you can find a way to quantify both classes’ negotiation advantage/disadvantage through their amount of control over the means of production, and maybe find a way to have it change over time as class struggle changes the amount of control they have, maybe you could even model the effect of protests and revolutions.

    • pancake@lemmygrad.mlOP
      19 days ago

      Makes sense. Some mechanisms of class control over the state may be easier to model, like lobbying or voting; protests and revolutions could be taken into account more easily in the cooperative case, but I’m not so sure about the non-cooperative one…

      Anyway, all this is very interesting, I’ll try to learn as much as I can once I have the time. Thanks!