• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023

  • It’s been my 11th week in a row working out for 1 hour or more at least 4 days a week, as well as my 10th week doing at least half an hour of French and German lessons every day. 3rd week in a row studying medical literature at least 2 hours a day Monday to Saturday.

    My plan for October is to engage in party activities for an ongoing campaign, as well as try to consolidate my studying routine. In November, I will reduce workout time to 3 days per week, and not go much over an hour each day (currently I spend about 1.5 - 2 hours), so I can focus more on medical literature and improve fast on that front.

    So far off drugs (except caffeine and some alcohol) for 3 months, psychologically stable (I think?). Will quit coffee starting in February, or sooner if I become unstable again before that.

  • Capitalism always favors non-curative treatments over curative ones, and makes newer curative treatments extremely expensive (e.g. CAR-T cell therapies or genetic treatments).

    But, as other users rightly point out, there are millions of ways our bodies can misbehave. Even something like “cancer” is just an array of several hundred diseases, wherein even each of them is not homogeneous across all cases. Cancer survival slowly goes up over the years as specific variants of it are tackled, but that wouldn’t be different under socialism, at most just faster (Cuba has made some great contributions to cancer research) or more accessible.

  • I used to be afraid of looking at mirrors at night. Idk what it’s called, spectrophobia maybe? Well, anyway, one night I took acid and happened to look at a mirror while blasted off my mind. Staring at it felt so disappointingly mundane that I laughed at myself for expecting anything to go wrong. Lost my fear permanently.