“The Empty Space,” Andrew Jara’s Cosmic Horror film, has been added to the Horror movie app, Screambox!!
The Empty Space stars Joe Sinclitico along with Valerie Alene, Rachel Olsen and Pablo Medina, as they tell the story of a woman (Alene) going to a support group after a violent attack left her boyfriend dead to deal with anxiety and depression. When her boyfriend seemingly returns from the dead, she will have to face her fears to find out exactly who or what has come back before she loses her grip on reality.
“As a horror director and a fan of horror, it brings me immense joy to have my movie featured on Screambox. I hope that it continues to find a horror audience and Screambox is the perfect home for it” Andrew Jara, writer & director of “the Empty Space.” The film went on to win 2nd Place at the Horror Hotel Festival, a finalist at the Oaxaca Filmfest and “Best of the Fest” at the 14th Sacramento Film Festival.