You voted, and now, after over 1,050 ballots were cast (but less than 1,100 ballots), here are the results of your votes for your favorite comic book creator runs of all-time (this is the FIFTH time we’ve done this countdown. We’re on an every four-year schedule)! I’ll try to post a new installment every day for the rest of the countdown. Even on Thanksgiving!

To recap, you all sent in ballots ranking your favorite runs from #1 (10 points) to #10 (1 point). I added up all the points and here we are!

  1. Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz’s New Mutants [New Mutants #18-31, 35-38]
  2. Will Eisner’s The Spirit [The Spirit Newspaper Strips 1940-1942, 1945-1950]
  3. Wendy Pini and Richard Pini’s ElfQuest: The Original Quest [ElfQuest #1-20]
  4. Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez-Walta’s The VIsion [Vision #1-12]
  5. Ryan North’s Fantastic Four – 90 points (1 first place vote) [Fantastic Four (2023) #1-present]
    3 months ago
    1. Wendy Pini and Richard Pini’s ElfQuest: The Original Quest [ElfQuest #1-20]

    Glad to see the Pinis getting recognized here, but how is this so low? Hopefully other runs are higher.