I personally think that there are 2 crises which can push parts of the us territory towards socialism in the coming 2 decades
Fighting and losing a war with China, thereby loosing dollar hegemony.
A collapse of the American power grid and water supply.
It could take possibly both disasters in a short span after one another to force a revolutionary condition in America. The first will be necessary to reorient America’s class interests away from imperialism, then the second will be necessary to cripple the government and create the impetus for a revolutionary group to attempt putsching the present regime and surving the backlash.
I personally think that there are 2 crises which can push parts of the us territory towards socialism in the coming 2 decades
It could take possibly both disasters in a short span after one another to force a revolutionary condition in America. The first will be necessary to reorient America’s class interests away from imperialism, then the second will be necessary to cripple the government and create the impetus for a revolutionary group to attempt putsching the present regime and surving the backlash.