Michael Athokhamien Omnibus Imoudu, generally known as Pa Imoudu, was a labour union leader and activist. He encouraged workers in both the private and public sectors to form unions. During the colonial era, he used strike actions to seek better working conditions for Nigerian workers, as well as make the British change obnoxious laws that affected workers.

He later joined the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) and was one of the party’s delegates to London in protest of the 1946 Richards Constitution.

Born September 7, 1902, in Ukpafikan Quarters, Oke Ora near Sabongida Ora in Edo State, Imoudu attended Government School, Ora. At the death of his father, he accompanied his uncle to Sapele, later to Onitsha and finally to Agbor, where he completed his primary school education.

After his primary education, Imoudu moved to Lagos and worked with the Posts and Telegraphs Department as a linesman before moving to the Nigeria Railways.

While with the Railways, Imoudu became actively involved in the Railway Workers Union (RWU) and in 1939; he became president of the union. In the same year, the union was registered under the Trade Union Ordinance, which allowed it to seek collective bargaining with their employers. With Imoudu as head, the union renewed its demand for higher wages, de-casualization and improved working conditions.

Imoudu had constant clashes with European managers because of the preferential treatment given to European officials. Between 1941 and 1943, Imoudu was queried many times and dismissed in January 1943.

With the formation of the African Civil Servants Technical Workers Union in 1941 and Imoudu being the Vice President, he used the organisation to agitate for war bonus — Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA) — to cushion the effects of inflation caused by World War II (WW II). The government listened and made some COLA concession in 1942 under the leadership of Bernard Bourdillon.

In 1943, Imoudu was dismissed and detained, but his detention was later changed to restriction of movement. He was released on May 20, 1945, after the end of WW II.

Imoudu was released from prison by the government in 1945, presumably as a means to de-escalate labor tensions. A large rally was held to welcome him back to Lagos, however, and, on the 21st and 22nd of June 1945, Imoudu led a radical wing of the RWU to organize a general strike that became a historically important in Nigeria.

In 1946, Imoudu identified with NCNC and was nominated to its executive council.

From 1947 to 1958, he led different trade unions, including the All Nigeria Trade Union Federation, which enjoyed initial success, incorporating 45 out of the 57 registered unions at the time.

Pa Imoudu did all this with no intention of enriching himself, but to improve the nation and create a better working environment for workers. He could not even build a house or buy a car for himself, despite his dealings with the government and captains of industry. He was focused on making Nigeria a better country than milking the people.

During the Second Republic, he joined the People’s Redemption Party (PRP) as its deputy National President.

In pursuit of his welfare ideologies, he awarded scholarships to youths from different backgrounds to study in the USSR, China, and East Germany.

In 1982, however, the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo built a house and bought a car for him as gifts for his 80th birthday, while a labour institute, Michael Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS), was established and named after him in 1986. He died on June 22, 2005.

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have all of you a good day/night meow-coffee

  • ratboy [they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I know they can check, but how? 👀 I usually always have my laptop open/am always answering messages via laptop or phone but I’ve been curious about that.

    • Goblin [any]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      I’m not a computer nerd but they can check browser history so if don’t have any history for like a week it can look sus(again they don’t care, more looking for people searching up porn on their work computers), they can install keyloggers if it’s a freak company, shit like slack and teams, all messages can be accessed. From all this you can analyze employee ‘productivity’ or w/e

      • ratboy [they/them]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Hell yeah I already game all of those things anyway lol. Keep messages work related/no shit talk, I have teams on my phone so I always answer. Use my lappy every day. I am pro

    • Ufot [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      They can see changelogs if you have a software/database your company uses.

      I wouldn’t worry about it if you get your expected work done and you’re online/responsive when you say you are.

      Especially if there aren’t any specific metrics or processes in place that check the other stuff. A big company might have a whole dept dedicated to that but is random manager X going to 1. Get your “tracking data”. 2. Find out a way to turn that into useful information. 3. Analyze and standardize that info. 4. Create an escalation process based off of it. 5. Run all this by their boss(es)/HR to have buy in. 6. Keep up and follow through with it.

      I’m sure there’s other things I’m missing too.

      For what goal to get you fired? There’s easier ways to do that.

      • ratboy [they/them]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I’m not even into IT or software development or anything like that so I’m definitely safe from any of that stuff lol. I think the only things they would track are maybe my idle time on Teams or browser history. My agency is undergoing ‘restructuring’ and is famous for retaliatory lay offs so I’ve just been extra nervous about what types of spying they can do

        • Ufot [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          If they told you “you need to be doing X” and you’re not, and they can track it, maybe be a little worried.

          If not don’t worry about it.

          If they haven’t told you then they either A. Don’t know B. Don’t Care and/or C. Don’t know how to track and/enforce.

          Ex. Company decides that 100 emails per day is optimal. Then they should be telling you to do 100+ emails a day.

          If they have these metrics/guidelines and don’t tell you them then it’s purely a punitive device. If so, don’t worry because theyre jerks and can find a different way to justify firing you anyway.