Ufot [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Get a solid $20 knife and look up some knife techniques. Grab a bowl or something ready for the scraps. I can dice up an onion in like 30 seconds, you could probably do it in less than a minute if you have a sharp knife and practice a little.

    If youre really pressed for time you can prep ingredients beforehand, either earlier in the day, or even a previous day, and then cook them later.

    Some recipes do take a lot of work and prep but lots of them don’t. Some take awhile but the active time isn’t much, so it’s not like you just have to stand there.

    Its easier said than done, but you don’t have to wait until you’re hungry to start cooking.

  • I like baseball, it’s got lots of stats, its always on, and you don’t have to be glued to the radio/tv to follow a game. Playoffs give you the drama. Regular season is more of a cruise.

    If you like the radio the sf giants have an excellent radio(TV too) broadcast team. They have a good Spanish broadcasting duo too if that’s your thing.

    I’m sure there’s other good ones, I couldn’t tell you, following one team casually is enough of a time commitment.

    If youre in America it’s probably a good idea just to follow the local team. If there isn’t one check to see if there’s a AA or AAA affiliate nearby.

  • Maybe you can enlighten me on more ethical ways to invest my money because at this point I think not putting money into a 401k is a terrible financial decision.

    Tax deferred compounding interest is too good of a deal for the average person to pass up. Over 30 years you’ll be looking at anywhere from 100-150% return on investment.

    $50 a paycheck for 30 years with 5% avg return turns your $39k total contributions into $100k in retirement savings. $100 turns $78k in total contributions into $200k savings.

    For many people who find saving difficult, me included, being able to set it and forget it, plus the understanding it needs to be for retirement to get the full return, has allowed me to save money I would have spent/wasted otherwise.

    Due to the compounding factor, the sooner a person starts the better the return, so to discourage young people to not put money into a 401k is IMO actively harmful.

    IMO It’s like telling someone they shouldn’t have health insurance. Yeah it’s bullshit that society forces us to participate in a fucked up system but not having it puts future you at a terrible risk.

  • Good post. I think there’s several different reasons. It’s a shortcut to identity, community. It gives people something to believe in. It can just simplify things. They have good feelings attached to X, so when X is thought of or spoke of or whatever it brings up good feelings.

    For me I’d consider myself a fan of 3 different sports teams. I don’t watch the other teams playing, except if it’s something especially intriguing. Any info or news about other teams is always processed with a varying amount ok how does this relate to my team. Or how does this provide more context about what my team is doing. I like it. It’s fun. How much and how frequently I care is related to how good the team is, but I’ll always check in eventually even if they’re garbage lol.

    I’d just call it a heuristic. Fandom is a heuristic that can simplify and/or strengthen someone’s ability to gaf about something.

  • Same thing happened to me. Never really came up with a great solution.

    When my w, s , 2 and other letters started failing on my old laptop, my solution was to just get a USB keyboard and kinda plop it over the laptop keyboard XD. Or have it nearby and ready. If I was working or something having a better keyboard was nice anyway. If I just needed it for an occasional search it was handy.

    I’m no expert but the process you described:

    Key worked correctly sometimes, then worked if you pressed it long/enough times, then just stopped working, was how all my Keys went.

    So whatever solution you come up with be prepared to have to use it again.

    Also if you’re really in a pickle you can try copying+pasting the letter lol.

    I almost got fucked because my login password had an s in it. So be careful if such a situation arises.

  • If they told you “you need to be doing X” and you’re not, and they can track it, maybe be a little worried.

    If not don’t worry about it.

    If they haven’t told you then they either A. Don’t know B. Don’t Care and/or C. Don’t know how to track and/enforce.

    Ex. Company decides that 100 emails per day is optimal. Then they should be telling you to do 100+ emails a day.

    If they have these metrics/guidelines and don’t tell you them then it’s purely a punitive device. If so, don’t worry because theyre jerks and can find a different way to justify firing you anyway.

  • They can see changelogs if you have a software/database your company uses.

    I wouldn’t worry about it if you get your expected work done and you’re online/responsive when you say you are.

    Especially if there aren’t any specific metrics or processes in place that check the other stuff. A big company might have a whole dept dedicated to that but is random manager X going to 1. Get your “tracking data”. 2. Find out a way to turn that into useful information. 3. Analyze and standardize that info. 4. Create an escalation process based off of it. 5. Run all this by their boss(es)/HR to have buy in. 6. Keep up and follow through with it.

    I’m sure there’s other things I’m missing too.

    For what goal to get you fired? There’s easier ways to do that.