Mod over at ! didn’t like the opinion presented in an article I shared about the recent cancellation of Star Trek: Prodigy and removed my post to an star trek opinion article. I asked the claimed they removed the opinion piece because they didn’t want to give the website clicks.

I wrote a post calling them out on this power hungry practice and tried to involve the community as a whole. As the post gained traction, i was promptly banned for starting “drama”

So now, i guess it’s at least mildly infuriating to say the least that a growing community banned someone contributing real discussion worthy content for potentially political reasons and as a result may end up fracturing one of the few kinda centralized communities across the Lemmy verse. I ain’t even too mad tho, because that’s what makes federation great easy to leave power hungry mods. Too bad for them this ain’t reddit 😜

    1 year ago

    I ain’t even too mad tho

    But you pursue them to explain the removal and then start a drama on the server, then when got banned, post a drama over here.

    Idk either you’re mad and you don’t wanna admit, or you have a lot of time in your hand.

    1 year ago

    So, let’s get this straight.

    You rolled up into someone else’s house and brought in some stuff they don’t want there.

    They took that stuff, threw it out the door, but didn’t toss you out.

    You then jumped their shit in their living room, and you’re surprised you aren’t allowed over any more.

    And, now, you’re on the street corner complaining about it.

    My dude, the way people throw around “power tripping mod” when what really happened is just the mod don’t what they’re there for, the phrase has lost all meaning. At this point, when someone says that, you don’t even have to read further because it’s a damn near guarantee that it’s just someone that didn’t like the mod decision.

    Now, a c/ should have rules up, so that anyone rolling up knows what is and isn’t cool there. Kinda like everyone knows not to bring up religion or politics at my dinner table, or they get uninvited and possibly have bread thrown at them. Maybe even something messier.

    It really doesn’t matter what the forum is, there has to be moderation because people are assholes. That’s just how we do as a species. Without moderation, shit devolves into slapfights and pissing contests. Which ruins the forum for everyone.

    I’d rather have a power tripping mod than deal with twits stirring shit and starting drama

    • klieg2323@lemmy.piperservers.netOP
      1 year ago

      I think a better analogy might be this:

      Someone in my city opens their doors to the public and invites over everyone for a pot luck. Bring what you can, you don’t have to bring anything at all. The only rule is that it is Italian food.

      People come and share, the owner has some rules posted saying only Italian food and be nice to other people.

      I come in with a Chicago style pizza. It’s still pizza. Still would be considered Italian food. Maybe a variation that not everybody likes but is still valid.

      People start taking a few slices and liking it. The host sees this and throws the pizza in the trash saying it’s not Italian

      I take the host around back in private and ask why they did that, it’s valid for the pot luck. Their reasoning is they have had problems with Chicago pizza in the past and doesn’t like it. They shut me down and try to ignore it ever happened. I let everyone else know what happened, including some of the people who ate my Chicago pizza. There are a few different opinions but it spurs a thoughtful ad relevant discussion with a goal of getting the community there to decide if it should have been allowed.

      The host really doesn’t like this, kicks me out of the house, listens in on the discussion, and starts kicking others out as well who don’t like what’s happening.

      I can’t come back. I like pizza potlucks and the people there. So now I have to spend time getting my house ready to host my own parties with friends. It won’t be the same as it was before, but neither will the house that was previously popping with pizza. Their reputation will be sullied and it will have a chilling effect.

      I get mods are necessary, i get private instances get to decide. But when you’re trying to be a public central forum, you need to allow discussion or plainly outline what is by allowed in the rules.

      Brining up a potential issue to the community in a polite way to discuss it is not drama. This is the perfect time for such a discussion with everyone lands here after reddit admins started abusing their power.

      I don’t see how trying to get explanations on why something is banned when community standards allow it and starting an honest an open discussion to further build out those standards is stirring shit and starting drama. But if it makes you feel better to think I’m a twit, i don’t really care. Do you

    1 year ago

    They don’t want content from that website on their instance, and they’re an admin, if not owner of it. Part of the beauty of the fediverse is, you get to run your own place and have your own rules. I can’t really fault him for that.

      1 year ago

      and they’re an admin, if not owner of it.

      there is a difference between doing moderation for the good of the community and being kid on a powertrip. when person asks “which of the new trek is worth watching” and then the mod starts deleting and banning people saying “x is not good, you are better watching y”, just because the mod is fan of “x”, that is not moderating, that is just shameful.

      the mod is not owner of the community, it is the community that creates the content. we literally just had reddit-exit because of that.

    • klieg2323@lemmy.piperservers.netOP
      1 year ago

      I get that the admin has control. And yes, i love that we can just go off to another server and have the same discussion. However there is something to be said about having a centralized server for niche discussion like star trek. That’s what it seems they’re trying to accomplish anyway. There’s no rules or list of banned sites which i could totally understand. However, this comes entirely across as a petty mod not happy about something a site said once. The only purpose being so heavy handed with moderation like that is only going to splinter what was looking to be one of the most unified communities on the fediverse. It’s anthitical to what the instance is trying to accomplish, becoming a centralized spot for star trek related communities on Lemmy.

      • NoiseColor
        1 year ago

        Usually there is a way to talk to anyone and reach a compromise or an agreement.

        The alternative is what others are proposing.

  • Faceman🇦🇺
    1 year ago

    I understand why they don’t want links to GFR, they are a a clickbaity source with little real content, but banning you for questioning it is a bit far, a simple explanation would suffice (“hey, sorry you’re upset, here’s why it was removed, have a nice day” with a polite explanation of their stance of GFR and others like them) and we would all just say “oh ok, fair enough”, you would edit your post to say it was all good just a misunderstanding and we would all move on.

    I know that on /r/startrek that source was in the automods blacklist so I can understand removing it, but the ban was way out of line when a conversation was possible and very, very easily resolved.

    I also got a PM from that particular mod which rubs me the wrong way. if they want to explain their stance, they need to do it in a post to the whole community so we can talk about it, this place is supposed to offer a new start for a startrek community forum and that should start with a conversation between the users and the mods on how we all want it to work, not bans and pms to anyone who questions them.

    • klieg2323@lemmy.piperservers.netOP
      1 year ago

      I can understand that too knowing the context. I personallay still think that article did was thought provoking enough to Garner discussion in the comments, which is half the point of a site like this.

      But i agree, it’s why I made the post! This is something to be discussed as a community as we all escape reddit. This is the time to be ironing these things out. We need these discussions and rules to prevent a mod from feeling they need to ban someone for “drama”. Have clear defined rules agreed soon by the community and that problem is solved. Banning people trying to talk about getting a more clear ruleset in place is just asinine. Soon it’s only going to be that mod posting and nobody commenting.

      I also get things may have been one way on Reddit, but that also doesn’t mean it automatically applies here. Even if it did it’s not hard to copy and paste rules from reddit to here.

      Also, did I see in the modlog they ( is lurking and should really learn this site is way more transparent than reddit) banned you too?

      EDIT: Just checked the modlog. They banned you for making this post I’m replying to on a different instance. How anyone could not see that as a red flag of petty retributive mod abuse then I don’t know what is. For what it’s worth, I banned them from my (much smaller but hopefully gonna pic up some Trekkies soon) instance so they’ll never know what’s being missed 😜 of course I’d happily reverse it if they cool off and explain their actions.

      1 year ago

      They didn’t get banned for questioning a policy. They got banned for making a new post “calling them out on their power hungry behaviour” once the discussion didn’t go their way.

      • Faceman🇦🇺
        1 year ago

        Sure they’re being a bit combative by making these posts and that is questionable, but the original reason for removal was just “fake news” with no other explanation which is a hilariously unprofessional way to handle it.

        Also, I have now been banned from that community by the mod in question for my reply above, which is incredible and just furthers my point that the mod needs to explain their actions more clearly rather than just banning people who question them, and they should definitely stop cyberstalking people talking about it on other instances.