You are Youngho, a Korean high school student trapped and relentlessly pursued by a psychotic killer in the hellish corridors of Sehwa High. Run, hide, explore, and survive while piecing together the mystery of The Coma in this remastered version of the Korean cult classic.
* 2D hand-illustrated visuals.
* A unique infusion of Korean horror in the survival-adventure genre.
* Listen carefully to footsteps revealing the killer's approach.
* Run and hide from the world's most relentless psycho-killer.
* Avoid poisonous tentacles and clawing shadows as you explore.
* Discover notes and clues that illuminate the mystery of Sehwa High.
* Work together with the others who are trapped here. But can they be trusted?
* Crouch in the shadows during intense moments as the Killer searches for you.
* Reveal the startling mystery of your school through maps, notes, and exploration.
You are Youngho, a Korean high school student trapped and relentlessly pursued by a psychotic killer in the hellish corridors of Sehwa High. Run, hide, explore, and survive while piecing together the mystery of The Coma in this remastered version of the Korean cult classic.