Probably. As opposed to what masculine used to mean and should mean:
Taking responsibility for your actions
Taking leadership if you see nobody else is going to
Treating others with respect
Of course, in modern times, we’ve realized this has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity and rather with one’s role in society. If you want to be respectable, these are just some of the things you should be doing.
Because in a traditional patriarchal society, good and honorable traits are expected of men while women are expected to be inferior to men.
However as we’ve realized that women are equal to men and should get equal rights, many men have become whiny bitches who yearn for the so called good old days. Said men don’t seem to realize however that “back when men were men” refers to standards they themselves don’t fulfill. They just want the gender inequality back and that’s it.
Probably. As opposed to what masculine used to mean and should mean:
Taking responsibility for your actions
Taking leadership if you see nobody else is going to
Treating others with respect
Of course, in modern times, we’ve realized this has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity and rather with one’s role in society. If you want to be respectable, these are just some of the things you should be doing.
Why are those considered masculine traits?
Because in a traditional patriarchal society, good and honorable traits are expected of men while women are expected to be inferior to men.
However as we’ve realized that women are equal to men and should get equal rights, many men have become whiny bitches who yearn for the so called good old days. Said men don’t seem to realize however that “back when men were men” refers to standards they themselves don’t fulfill. They just want the gender inequality back and that’s it.