When scrolling through the feed it randomly happens to skip a bunch of entries. It suddenly jumps far down the feed for no apparent reason.
Some observations and possible cause thoughts:
- I believe it skips one load batch (20) of entries.
- Scrolling up those entries gets me back to where I was in the feed.
- I think it happens when the last entry of a previous load batch expands an attached media item.
- It’s more apparent in media heavy feeds.
- It’s independent of the scroll speed.
So I pointed my hosted instance to feddit.org and so far haven’t encountered the issue (though I am browsing as a guest). I see feddit also runs Tesseract, but it shouldn’t make a difference which one I test with since they’re the same version.
Additional questions to the ones in the first comment:
Maybe that was a bit misleading because I set previews to always show. I do believe it has something to do with media expanding though.
Here's the settings section
I just had a jump on the feddit.org “all” feed with “scaled” in “hybrid” mode. It happened later down though, where only unread posts were shown. It skipped exactly 20 posts. Not a single skipped post had a crosspost. Also the last seen posts before the jump have no crossposts.