Bad thing happened = The universe made it happen, not your fault
Forgetting to do something = Well there’s nothing I can do, my brain chemicals are dictated by the laws of physics
Like if I don’t keep using Determism as an explantion, my brain just 🤯💀…
Free will can exist because consciousness is an abstraction created by the brain similar to a virtual reality on a computer, where the laws of physics is what the brain builds upon, consciousness is a function of the brain, and SELF consciousness is a layer above that, constructed by the functionality of the brain, that far exceed normal physical causality. While the brain is dependent on physics, the “simulation” is not.
There’s a reason we have a feeling of free will, if free will didn’t exist, a sense of it would serve no purpose. So Occam’s razor indicates that we shouldn’t have that sense without also having free will.
We can imagine a future far removed from our current state, fantasy and SciFi books are clear examples of that. How would that be possible without free will?
If we have free will, then who or what is making those decisions and where is it located?
Humans do things for two reasons; either you have to or you want to. There’s no freedom in having to do something but you can’t choose the things you want either.