Absolute cheese tragedy….
My truffle cheddar went mouldy. 😭
Lucky I have resumed with other cheese.
Trim it off, cheese mould isn’t dangerous like fruit/grain molds.
It was a fluffy white coat. Sadly, extremely unappetising.
So truffle cheddar camembert.
Blue cheese! /s
(Don’t eat it)
Though it made me sad, I binned it.
Another wave.
These are gorgeous!
Time for brie and bbq shapes!
Sky noisy
Changed my bedding, doing laundry. Might hang the sheets and towels out tonight to dry in the blast tomorrow.
I should probably make some jelly too. Need to check the water is well topped up in advance because birds and animals will need it. Maybe pull the smaller pots inside.
I’m still not liking this dishwasher. I’ve ended up using it regularly only so dirty stuff doesn’t build up and attract bugs.
I just have to do a load daily (or run two loads) due to not being able to efficiently stack many of the smaller items, then manually rinse everything under the tap and put it in the rack to drip. If I could stand long enough to just wash things in the sink I would straight up do that. But for now this is the go.
One thing I have found to be a problem though is the cat’s silicone bowls have absorbed the strong lemon-lime smell of the detergent which will absolutely turn her off eating. (I don’t find silicone kitchenware very good to be honest. It tends to absorb odours and be difficult to clean any oils fully off. The bowls have also stained yellow from pumpkin.)
Luckily they’re fold down travel bowls so I can try to get the smell out with baking soda or vinegar and pack them away. It’s just nice to have spares… Love it when two crap products team up.
Yass, fresh bedding.
I did mine last night and it was heaven.
Back from the community breakfast. It was a pretty good time, they had a small accoustic band and…
I still like fire trucks!
The little hall where the event was held.
Cricket anyone?
Giant pencils along the path into the primary school next door.
The food tent. There was yabby Mornay, lamburgers, sausages, bacon and eggs. Delicious! The Minipeelers and I helped cut up all the bread rolls. It was good fun and I wore a mask so my weeping face didn’t scare any small children.
Woah what a spread! Sounds amazing!
It feels so odd to be around people. Where I live there are fuck all people around. I feel so out of place lol
Someone’s under the table already.
Oh he heard you and chased you out of HIS yard.
Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺 💚💛🍺
No sleep gang checking in. Woke up abruptly, jerkily turned over, hurt back in the process. Did not know ‘injured back due to nightmare’ was on the list of random injuries that can happen when you get old list. Well anyway, guess I‘ve ticked #10348 off the list.
I’ve had a random toe cramp wake me up before and that fucking sucked.
I’m headed to the market. Can I get anything for anyone?
A selection of cheese would be great thanks.
Blood orange sherbet cordial?
Crumpets and cherries please 🙏
Biltong please!
Goodnight ❤️
I started off the day with a lovely Sunday sleep in. Unfortunately I was supposed to be at work, so I followed up with a bit of a rush and a late mark. Why do these things only happen to me on high penalty shifts?
And now you’ll feel like you’re running behind all day!
This represents our household
I swear the Lebanese flag is cool!
I love the smell of cedar wood. When I see the flag, I can smell it.
I always think of how the doors of the ancient temples of Pharaonic Egypt were lined with cedar and how cedar was used in many other ways too. They are truly the trees of the gods.
Oh for sure. They were used to make boats because they repeal water. So interesting.
Ugh I hate this fucking apartment, it’s such perfect Goldilocks weather out there, beautiful cool air and Sun not too hot, meanwhile it’s a solid 5-7C hotter in this horrid old dogbox with zero cross ventilation. Can’t even open the windows until 8pm when the sun isn’t beating down on the hellish west facing bedroom windows where most of the heat is coming in.
It’s also been a day for minor bombshell events in the family: mum wants to move back to the ancestral country a lot sooner than expected, with all the huge discussions that comes with it…
…and a young niece’s sudden coldness to her beloved aunt and uncle (almost like a foster family to her) turns out to be mainly because she found out said uncle’s tiktok account follows almost exclusively onlyfans producers. I feel very conflicted about the second one, I really would like niece and her aunt to rebuild their relationship (niece is quite vulnerable due to parent’s ugly divorce but also kind of sheltered). But also it’s not my business to get involved in other people’s marriages. Though if that aunt - i.e., my cousin - found out later and knew I was aware but didn’t tell her, she’d be livid. Ehhhh iunno. I’ve had a cider and some chips and I’m kind of done for the day now