…in what proximity would you have to be to the sun and how fast would you have to be spinning (like a rotisserie chicken) so that your light side didn’t burn and your dark side didn’t freeze; rotating just enough to keep a relatively stable temperature?
Absolutely absurd, I know but this question somehow popped into my head and won’t leave. 😆🐔🔥🧊
Boiling/freezing depends on pressure as well as temperature, I think water would actually turn into steam if sprayed into space. There’s a story of a spacesuit technician being accidentally exposed to a vacuum and he says his last memory is feeling the saliva bubble on his tongue.
It will do both. The initial boiling will draw heat away from the other molecules, eventually freezing them. So I suppose it wold depend on how fine the spray pattern is as well as the beginning temperature as to how much goes to gas vs. solid.