It really is unnatural, and I think addiction to the (mis)information firehose is degrading the way people think. There’s so much to process they tend to rush through it, taking a few seconds to make a kneekerk value judgement on each item before scrolling to the next. It shrinks attention spans, discourages analytical skills, and rewards meme-level thinking - all handy tools for fearmongers and other con artists. An equally corrupt liberal version of Trump is probably right around the corner.
It really is unnatural, and I think addiction to the (mis)information firehose is degrading the way people think. There’s so much to process they tend to rush through it, taking a few seconds to make a kneekerk value judgement on each item before scrolling to the next. It shrinks attention spans, discourages analytical skills, and rewards meme-level thinking - all handy tools for fearmongers and other con artists. An equally corrupt liberal version of Trump is probably right around the corner.