I don’t feel compeled to play any online game at the moment except if a friend asks me to play with them. Even then, the only part where I am having fun is when some weird shenanigens happen which doesn’t happen at all given how sanetized and “ballanced” games are. I just want to see a funny ragdoll fly off one side of the map, or get an op weapon and listen to trash talk by the enemy team as I obliterate them (or the opposite). I want to mess around with other players and try dumb strats with my pals. Not every modern game is that way but they tend to get fewer and fewer as time comes…
I started feeling this way a while back and eventually realized it wasn’t the games that had changed so much, but me. Getting older really does change your interests and how much you have fun with different playstyles.
I used to not want to play games if they didn’t have some form of multiplayer, but these days if I get to game at all, all I want is a quality single player experience.
Likewise, as one ages, different components of games become more or less important.
Example - used to hate sitting through cutscenes and dialogue (it was just reading back then, but I was a big reader so that wasn’t the issue), would skip whatever I could and get frustrated when I couldn’t. But these days I actually like a good story-focused game (botw, horizon), and don’t skip through it in any game unless the story is garbage… although I love largely story-free games as well (dysmantle is the current passion - there’s very minimal story that you have to piece together, and most of it is obtained through exploration rather than quests or interaction)
I also haven’t played online in years - since my wow days (vanilla and first expansion, then gave it up, so like 2008). Other people ducking around tends to detract from the game for me, and I strongly dislike PvP because I’m terrible against humans who don’t follow specific patterns… now I get frustrated when I accidentally buy a game that doesn’t have offline/single player content. If I could host my own servers for them though……
Indeed. While many years ago I was playing almost only League of Legends with friends every evening after school, now I’m more enjoying the quality in note/totk, Celeste, and co. I also feel like online games aren’t anymore the places where you could get to know strangers and make online friends. LoL has gotten too toxic and competitive. And Minecraft servers have a 5oo young demographic for me
Have you considered playing different games?
I have and I do! In fact, I’ve been trying some old nintendo games (SM64, DKC mostly)… TF2 and TF|2 are ones that I play when comes to online that I enjoy (especially when I stumbled on a VSH lobby after the summer update where people were spamming the vc with memes and sound effects… It was awesome). CS:GO and L4D2 are the games that I mostly enjoy playing when there is company (yes I am the type of person that would preffer playing with a shotgun in Office)… Apex is the game we mostly play but I do it more because of the human interaction rather than because I enjoy it as a game. Oh there is also Halo that I enjoy mostly from the campaigns and the custom games.
Avoiding AAA titles goes a long way. There’s only one or 2 good ones in a year. Everything else is a copy paste of last years game with a patch, or soulless garbage designed to sell skins to the largest audience possible.
Find a good indy neich you enjoy.
You, sir, need to play Chivalry 2.
Dunno if it’s still on there (and if it is, it won’t be for long) - but it was in the Humble Bundle for £8.99 or however many $.
This is my go to game right now when I need a pick me up. But I’m also really good with a great sword.
Hmm… Just by the description on steam and the screeshots, it looks promissing.
I bought that bundle for this still have yet to try but can’t wait.
It would be helpful if you could list a few games.
I guess TF2 is good fun… Then old nintendo games… CS when not taken too seriously/is an older version than GO… TF|2 (Titanfall 2) Halo custom games… ect
Have you tried Gang Beasts?
No. What is the game about?
(I can google but I am asking in case you have an itch to nerd out on a stranger)
Best, funniest local multiplayer game I’ve found. Also playable online. Up to 4 players. Goofy physics-based fighting game in which you control a jellyish humanoid and control arms individually to fight. It creates some really hilarious moments as you’re both dangling off a billboard, holding onto each other in a big cluster, etc… The trailer.
I think dunkey made a video on this… Could be wrong though. Looks pretty fun!
It’s basically physics-based wrestling, and it’s goofy as hell.
There’s also Human Fall Flat. It has the same feel as Gang Beasts, but instead of fight you have to explore a map and solve puzzles
I have that but no friends to play with…
Try Among Us Town of Host Re-Edited
it has more freaking roles than I can ever remember and quite a bit are OP, also very configurable by host, you have to join rooms by code though ever since innersloth upped anticheat. If it says something version incompatible enable vanilla mode in settings
I also wonder if you have tried Blockstorm, it’s pretty much high quality shenanigans