If anyone wants to know, “Beweglichertorpfostenkrieg” is literally just “moving goal posts war” disguised as a german compound word.
As a German, this word was compounded incorrectly anyway. Adjectives don’t get compounded. So it would be “Beweglicher Torpfostenkrieg”
Look guys, I found the Grammer Nazi.
This is wrong. That would describe a certain type of war, but specify that the war is movable.
I think the “Torpfostverschiebekrieg” mentioned in another comment would be the best solution.
But surely wouldn’t that imply the existence of such thing as a ‘goal post war’? Because the term is meant to mean ‘(moving goal post) (war)’, and not ‘(moving) (goal post war)’
Beweglicher-Torpfosten-Krieg looks about right.
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Is it not a German compound word?
„Torpfostenbewegungskrieg“ would be correct. I‘d prefer „Torpfostverschiebekrieg“ though.
Putin is that kid on the playground that kept announcing new rules every time he was losing.
Putin after the war: „And with that, I declare our special operation to lower our male population a great success!“