The Case of the Robot Grandma:

Last fall my 3 1/2 yr old grandson was lost in the Shasta Forest for 5 hours. Thanks to volunteers and rescue personal he was found. My son said "He was here, then within a second he was gone. They thought he had been abducted by other campers. (trust me the worst nightmare ever) About 3 weeks after this happened, he was at my house, and out of the blue he announced “I dont like the other grandma Kappy” (his name for me grandma Kathy) I said, “what are you talking about buddy? Im the only grandma Kappy”, He said “Dont you remember when I was wost in the woods?, Well, the other grandma Kappy grabbed me and took me to a creepy place, shes really a robot.” I was thinking he was telling a story, so I asked "what was creepy about it, and why do you think she was a robot?

“It was a cave with spiders, and there was purses and guns. I was too scared, so I didnt touch anything. But, when she climbed a ladder, the light made her look like a robot. There were other robots too, but they didnt move.” So I asked “What did she do with you Buddy?” "She made me lay down to look at my tummy, then she tried to get me to poop on a sticky paper, but I couldnt go. She told me that I am from outer space, and they put me in my moms tummy. Then she took me back to the river and said to wait under the bush until someone found me.