• UKFilmNerd
    1 year ago

    For me, its always been about price and my experience has varied from set to set.

    My first was the girls 2016 ECTO1. One brick had a mould flaw but it was internal and couldn’t be seen once completed. One of the girls hair was wrong and the prints for the proton packs 2x2 dome wasn’t straight. Finally, the yellow transparent cylinder for the roof light was cloudy rather than crystal clear. Apart from those qwerks, I’m happy with the set.

    I bought a clone of the mini figure scale Batman Tumbler which was fine no defects. The only problem was where they compressed two instructions onto a single page in the manual which made it fiddly to build at times, especially with all black bricks.

    Another was the technic Lego Batpod which I bought because the real Lego was a limited edition gift to those who bought the UCS Tumbler I believe. Some of the technic pieces were a tight fit and the clutch was a little weak. That model was quite fragile.

    The final one I bought was the minifigure scale Tim Burton batmobile because again, the Lego version was an exclusive to those who bought the UCS Batmobile. No complaints, great little car.