Clarence Thomas never repaid a millionaire friend’s $267,000 loan which the Supreme Court justice used to buy a 40-foot luxury motorcoach, Senate investigators announced Wednesday.

Healthcare magnate Anthony Welters told the Senate Finance Committee he forgave the RV loan after five years of receiving payments on the interest but not the principal, the report states.

“Now we know that Justice Thomas had up to $267,230 in debt forgiven and never reported it on his ethics forms,” Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, (D-OR) said in a statement.

Wyden called on Thomas to specify exactly how much of the debt he paid and whether the loan was reported on tax returns.

    1 year ago

    I can’t believe Biden forgave Thomas’s loan. This is what happens when you elect a communist: it makes the supreme court look corrupt.

    Thank God for the level heads over at the supreme court who have informed us that even though it may look, feel, smell, and taste exactly like shit, that it’s actually your upper lip. Also, they’re rubber and we’re glue.
