I’m still on Ragnarok and Returnal mostly but looking into picking up Alan Wake Remastered or Jusant.
Hopefully the wife and I will also play some Super Mario Wonder.
What are you all up to?
Tried playing AEW fight forever, wow, it’s bad, really bad. Was hoping for an alternative to the WWE wrestling games but this one is a stinker.
Aside from that I decided to start Prey again because I never finished it the first time i played
I’m back to Mass Effect finally. I played through the first game one and a half times, trying to iron out the story I want to tell and bring to the second game. I burned out a bit doing sidequests. I took a break to do some mindless hyperviolence in Earth Defense Force 5. Now I’m back to the Commander Shepherd universe! I gotta finish out my NG+ because I’m excited for the second game!
What class do you generally play? My goto is Wing Diver, but I don’t like the weapons they have introduced in EDF5 where you have to hold to charge and then release to fire, still it seems most fun to play.
Mass Effect is great. Gameplay wise first is the worst one, so hopefully you will enjoy the next games even more.
Solo I play Wing Diver. Some of the charge up weapons are great, but everything that isn’t my lightning whip feels situational. I’m pretty sure a Wing Diver could 1 on 1 god with that thing.
If I have a gaming partner, though, gimme that Air Raider life. Glass canon is fun, but only by myself. Technical and structured is tied for my favorite overall style of play across all games. I like either having a specific answer for every situation or having one answer (BE VERY FAST AND DANGEROUS) for every situation.
Ah, cool. I don’t think I have used the whip thingy, will try it out.
Slogging my way through bg3 act 2 but I’ve been thinking of playing farthest frontier again. Haven’t played it since it came out
70% through Trek to Yomi and then planning to finally play Ghost of Tsushima.
If first impressions are anything to go by, maybe not Aliens: Fireteam Elite. I don’t know if it was a bad internet connection but I don’t really appreciate aliens glitching across the room or disappearing through the floor.
Also, considering it was the first mission, those aliens are relentless! I was killed before the end. As an Aliens fan though, I’ll probably give it a few more tries. It had only just come online and I expect everyone was trying it.
Stopped playing Destiny so I’m off to finally finish Ragnarok and Cyberpunk. I’ve also been playing a lot of Rogue Company.
Just finished Spider-Man 2, thought it was an incredible game and lovely almost every moment it. I’ve moved on to Star Ocean The Second Story R now, enjoying it so far.
Hearing great things about Second Story R.
I‘m currently deep into Like a Dragon: Ishin (loving the different Yakuza Setup) and am planning to finally tackle Guardians of the Galaxy after that😌
Finally got around the SpiderMan 2 so that is my main focus this weekend.
Replaying FF7 Remake. Beat it about 2 years ago but want to play it again before Rebirth comes out. Might also try hard mode this time.
My GF and I are also playing Sackboys big adventure whenever we both have some spare time. I’m really enjoying it and playing with her makes the game 10x better. Strongly recommend as a couch co-op game.
I tried playing Alan Wane remastered recently but couldn’t get into it. I felt like the story and gameplay didn’t mix well together. Got it for free on EGS though so I’m glad it cost me nothing to try it out at least!
I just finished Alan Wake Remastered a couple weeks ago. I played it back when it released too, but it didn’t leave a huge impression at the time. My interest revived after Control, which I loved.
I enjoyed Remastered, even completed the DLCs, but I definitely had to push myself through at a lot of parts. The game spends too much time in the forest at nighttime, so the environment feels homogenous very quickly. And I really disliked the enemy’s compulsion to run off screen in different directions and attack you from where you can’t see them. Combat encounters almost always involved running to a corner somewhere and swinging the flashlight just to keep my bearings. Admittedly, the game offers a much greater quantity of tools like flashbangs and flares than I allowed myself to use, but I got irritated from the loop very quickly.
Still, it’s over a decade old and there was a lot otherwise to like. Plus Control was great and Alan Wake 2 is supposed to be top-tier, so I’m glad I refreshed myself on the first one.
Finished ‘Among the sleep’, nice horror game which resulted in a few chills.
Started playing Blasphemous, let’s see if I’ll manage to finish it or if I’ll get too frustrated at some point
Been waiting for the new DiRT Rally to come out. Got it a couple of days ago
It’s now EA 🤮 but they’ve done a reasonable job. Huuuuuge number of countries and courses, and all the usual cars. Bonus hidden Easter egg car is the Vauxhall Nova; McRae’s first car IRL. Goes like shit off a hot shovel
That said, it’s almost unplayable due to audio stuttering, hoping they sort that asap
How are you liking Returnal?
I am still playing Nioh. Well, just started it last week, and probably haven’t even done 10% of the game, probably will keep playing for a while.
I did get back to Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney today, having fun investigating and yelling Objection!
Returnal is awesome. Especially in coop. Still trying to beat the first boss but I think I’m getting the hang of it.