The popular geek-fest Comic-Com will be back in Newcastle - with a winter guest - in a matter of days.

The news is set to delight the fans who turned out to welcome its summer visit to St James’ Park in June when the convention was spread out over two floors of the football stadium with everything from retro gaming to display sets and dinosaurs. It will be back there on November 12 with another family-friendly event, this time with a Christmas-theme attraction in The Grinch.

The Comic-Com, which is hosted by Unleashed Events and promises a celebration of all things geeky, is a pop-culture showcase which also includes special appearances by a host of TV and film stars who are there to chat and to sign memorabilia. This time around, media guests will include Amy Manson, who was in the likes of TV series Once Upon A Time and Torchwood; Steven Hartley of The Witcher 3; Sword Coast Legends and The Bill, and Adam Basil who is known for The Last Of Us, Beauty And The Beast and Venom.