So… Are they arguing that abortion costs too much?
Because I agree, let’s have universal healthcare and stop charging people so much for procedures.
no social security number, no birth certificate, can’t claim it as a dependent for the tax writeoff, not a child.
Fun fact, coca cola has been used as a contraceptive.
By drinking it, right?
By drinking it… right?
There’s gotta be a joke in here about me stickingy dick in a bunch of Coke cans, but I’m not smart enough to make it.
So dumb. It’s presented as a black or white option, so tedious.
Are we sure that that’s a child, and not, say, a puppy? A lot of mammal fetuses look alike.
I comprehend the intended message of the image but the black text above doesn’t seem to make sense: is it asking for factory workers to receive a similar pay as doctors? Is it asking for universal healthcare or subsidised offers for women seeking help? Is one less of a choice because it comes with a higher price (just like any other choice also does)?
I gotta say, this probably does appeal to people that don’t know any women. Over simplifying a simple issue and pretending they care of their the solution. They couldn’t give a rat fuck about anyone but themselves.