I, being someone who works with computers, have had some luck with most of my favorite subs being here already.

Despite that, some of my hobby ones still aren’t here. NFL exists, but it’s the same as nothing so far. Soccer I couldn’t find at first, maybe today it already does? Also, no sign of fantasy football.

I also followed a bunch of History subs, but looks like most people in Lemmy only care about science and technology.

Tell us, what is missing for you?

  • pyarra@vlemmy.net
    1 year ago

    One of my favorite subreddits is r/engrish. Its basically all about funny english mistakes. I couldn’t find it anywhere so i just created it here and posted some of my favourites. I would love if people are intrested is post you english mistaks you find and help build out the community. Im still very new to lemmy but have been loving it.

    • raresbears@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Similarly I wouldn’t mind seeing something like r/trouduction show up here (bad translation errors but in French), although I suppose first we’d probably have to have any French-speaking communities at all, which for the moment it seems don’t really exist