Thousands more badgers than planned could be killed if the government gives the go-ahead next week to raising the target number of animals in certain areas, experts say.

Until now, official policy has been that culls aimed to reduce badger numbers by 70 per cent within in each cull area and across most of southwest England.

But The Independent understands that ministers are preparing to allow that target to be raised to 100 per cent in “exceptional” circumstances, subject to a consultation.

  • HumanPenguin
    8 months ago

    I assume this is to try and please dairy farms. In the hope to start an argument between them and animal welfare folks. To try to win votes from the farmers.

    Farmers do have a point. When TB hits an area. Detecting it in one cow. Can result in the whole herd being destroyed.

    While there really is no possible way to keep cows in a healthy (non battery farm like) manner. And prevent local badgers with TB from leaving contagens (pee poo etc) in the field they feed from.

    Places like the cotswilds. That have huge legal restrictions on the rights to build. Make it absolutly impossible to buold fences to block access. And in most other UK areas. Its difficult amd bloody ugly to surrond a field with non passable fencing for a badger sized animal. Unlike foxes and chickens. (And they are hard enouth for farmers to protect). Badgers are very effective tunnelers whoes sets can runn for 100s of meters underground.

    And cows require huge fields to be healthy comparednto chickens or any other farm animal.

    The cotswilds has had TB detected most years since the begging of covid. And many farms have lost entire herds etc.

    So the dairy farmer are definitely desperate in serching for some solulution.

    And if we are honest are more likely to vote tory anyway. This looks like a way to bring them back after the crap job the gov has done in genral.

    And use the anger of many animal welfate folks who in genral are much less likely to vote tory. No matter what the heartless incompetent nasty party dose.