Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism
Death to fascists
Well… Guess I’ve lived long enough for Bernie to be declared a fascist, that didn’t take long. But the idea was that he’d be thrown in the gulag because the revolution would have already taken place.
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Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism
Where have you been? I was right there in 2016 asking why Bernie killed Rosa Luxemburg
Bernie not being who I thought was the moment my childhood died and I became another sad adult.
It’s fucked up to say, but honestly it would have been better if he died after that heart attack
Either you die a succdem or live to be a succdem
how do yuo know he didn’t??
shit! he was replaced by john lennon!
This vid is like the Patrick Star wallet meme. Bernie being Patrick and absolutely unable to say genocide despite acknowledging all the evidence.
I also take issue with Bern not able to go further than call Likud (Bibi and his government) more than “far-right” when it’s painfully obviously an enthno-fascist party.
But if this is how Bern wants to be remembered as…
I assume he gives the most deranged Jackie Chan movie tier list imaginable
The Forbidden Kingdom in S tier?
Ash Sarkar can be pretty lib on certain elements surrounding the ussr but she’s quick on her feet. Good interview.
I’ve never quite been able to get a read on Sarkar or Novara Media in general.
This is based on nothing but hunch (I’ve never read Bastani’s Fully Automated Luxury Communism or anything) but they feel kinda trot to me.
Sarkar isn’t afraid of saying they’re a communist but then the lib takes on the USSR and stuff, it’s either an attempt to build a viewerbase of the progressive left or it’s trot but idk which.
I’ve never quite been able to get a read on Sarkar or Novara Media in general.
Novara are trots. Sarkar possibly isn’t but doesn’t strike me as having read much theory. Pretty sure that she’s soaked up what she does know from the people she’s been around her whole life, a socially produced communist that was likely surrounded by trots.
Corbyn, John Mcdonnell and Dianne Abbott have better positions than her, and come across as genuinely well read communists. Corbyn and Dianne feel like MLs doing pragmatic electoralism. Dianne in particular defended Mao on national television. John has literally called for violent insurrection and property destruction at rallies I’ve been at. All of them are significantly better than Ash and we’d be so much worse off without them.
There are no non-Trots in the UK, this is literally the best we can do.
Yeah, by the looks of it even Tony Benn was cosy with the Trotskyists.
This just reinforces the case for an unlimited Brexit.
trot alert
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(around 2m25s) Taking strong action against people = “maybe maybe” not sending those people a $10 billion cheque
I sure wish someone would take strong action against me eating a whole tub of ice-cream.
“Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism” may just be the best Stalin quote.
“They say the next bombs will have a lot of complications and nuance to them!”
This is like when troops get to shoot and cry.
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What if I told you his next words were “…being enough to destroy the Zionist entity and liberate Palestine.”
social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism