Still no casting news however.

    23 months ago

    After House of the Dragon I’m excited to see this. Dunks intro is my favorite of the three released stories and after the catastrophe that was the Game of Thrones finale it seems HBO is willing to put in the time.

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOP
      33 months ago

      I’m a bit worried about how they’re going to approach the stories tbh. They’re somewhat lighter in tone than the main series (although when it does get dark it gets pretty dark).

      I’m also excited to see where they go regarding casting. They have to nail Dunk and Egg, if the two leads lack chemistry it’s going to nullify everything else the show does right.

        13 months ago

        Dunk is definitely the key, Egg just needs to have the chemistry with Dunk.

        I think in the first book they are age 20, and 10 (or so) respectively, but I would imagine a slight aging up.

        I also wouldn’t expect any big names, just a few small roles and then boom time for big leagues.

        And of course, as a book reader forever in denial, maybe George will write at least a story or two before the show passes him again. She Wolves as planned, but Summerhall is the big finale he can’t miss again.

        • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOP
          23 months ago

          I don’t think we’re ever getting that Summerhall story. George is very good at teasing his readers, and I think that exactly what he plans to do here.

          Let our minds fill in the blanks.

  • @Xer0@lemmy.mlM
    12 months ago

    Only annoying thing is that they’re doing this without Dunk and Egg being complete. I mean I can’t wait for it, but I wish George had wrapped up the story first.

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOP
      22 months ago

      A new HBO GoT series based on an incomplete book series. Worried… absolutely not…

      Nah I get you. And tbh I’m not sure if we’re going to get these completed either.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    13 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Ryan Condal, who currently serves as House of the Dragon‘s showrunner, and Vince Gerardis also will be EPs.

    “A century before the events of Game of Thrones, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros,” the previously released official logline reads.

    “A young, naive but courageous knight, Ser Duncan the Tall” (aka Dunk) “and his diminutive squire, Egg.

    In 2021, HBO and Max chief content officer Casey Bloys stressed that the Game of Thrones spinoff concepts that would move forward would be the ones that are the strongest based on several measures.

    “Obviously, we know George has this incredible world with all of this really rich and complicated history and all of these characters,” he told TVLine at the time.

    Bloys added that HBO also would take into account what the network — and the creators with which it partners — are most excited about, story-wise.

    The original article contains 314 words, the summary contains 142 words. Saved 55%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!