Twitter post spot credit to by Max Robbespiere.

It’s tempting for many to think Britain will Re-Join EU. But it won’t happen. Argument to average voter:

-You won’t get any opt-outs

Well duh! And what trade agreement have we made since leaving where that has been a consideration.

-You’ll have to pay tens of millions

V’s the billions in trade lost, I will take this one.

-You’ll most likely have to join Euro

Yep it will be requested.

-You’ll have even more immigration

Immigration is up since leaving and businesses need the bodies.

-You’ll no longer be self-governing nation

There is not a single trade deal achieved anywhere in the world where you don’t have to compromise. That is the point of a trade deal.

-You’ll no longer be able to diverge

Considering how shit our food has gone in the UK, I would love some proper standards back.

-You’ll no longer be quick & nimble e.g. vaccines

Absolute BS, It was because we have access left over from being in the EU that we got vaccines. It would be harder now in the same circumstances. This has been rebuked over and over.

However, the speed we have dropped HS2 was extremely quick and nimble.

-You’ll join bloc grappling with refugee crisis

Culture war, culture war, culture war, culture war,

-You’ll join bloc divided north + south financially

Is this any different to what the UK or any country is?

-You’ll join bloc divided east + west culturally

Well duh! it is made up of many countries

-You’ll join bloc with populist division on rise

Well we can show them how we did it.

-You’ll be closer to riotous France

So we will be removing the anti protest crap that has been inflicted on us.

-And you’ll soon be joined by Albania, Serbia, Bosnia

So an expanding block?

My prediction – won’t happen in next 50 years.

I think you may be wrong on this one. My guess is two parliaments at most. Once the Tories are out then we can discuss things like adults. There is no name calling for stating the obvious.

So it looks like the arguments for BREXIT has ran its course. We are now into the next level of gaslighting about how bad it would be to go back again.

Go home son the village is missing their idiot.

  • SyldonOP
    1 year ago

    What part of this government we have that is not Fascist? They do not have full control, but bugger me they are trying hard to get it. If these scumbags got back in, do you think they will not try for even more control.

    They have banned protests

    They took over the electoral commission

    They tried to take control of the justice system.

    They have the police in their pockets

    They openly cry racist agendas

    Everyone who is against them are the anti-woke establishment.

    shit man how many indicators do you want?