Early Dark Age Britain is notorious for being poorly recorded. Most of our information about the era comes from much later records, written centuries after the events they allegedly describe. There is endless debate from scholars, based on the literary evidence, surrounding the historicity of the kings of Britain of this era. However, there are a few cases where we do not need to rely on the later medieval records to know whether a given king really existed or not. There are about 200 stone inscriptions from Dark Age Britain. These inscriptions provide us with contemporary or near-contemporary insights into the kings of Britain at that time.

  • Nudd Hael
  • Conomor
  • King Ithel
  • casmael@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Just had a quick skim and it looks like two of the three were kings of bits of wales. The third was apparently king of Brittany (which is in France), and presumably had some holdings in England as well. All three predate the idea of a single unified kingdom of England by at least a hundred or so years tho, so any monarchs from this period would have ruled over smaller kingdoms that would now constitute parts of the modern UK.