My eldest is screaming because she didn’t get as many eggs as she thought she would. Thanks Bluey.

How’s your weekend going?

  • blackn1ghtM
    6 months ago

    I’ve had an incredibly chilled weekend. My wife took the kids away for a couple of days with her friend and her son; she’d been away a few weekends ago with her mum for her grandads birthday and I’d had the kids on my own for a few days.

    I managed to go into town on Friday and buy the kids more clothes and myself some new trainers, then had a couple of beers in a nice small ale house, got home and had a curry, and spent yesterday working on some personal projects that I never have the time or energy to work on (literally haven’t touched it in 2 years). It’s crazy how relatively little house work there is to do when there aren’t kids trashing the place constantly, all I have to do is tidy up my own mess and then that’s it!

    On the downside, I couldn’t get a food delivery slot for our usual Sunday morning, thinking it was fully booked, and my wife intended to do the food shop today (Sunday)… but it’s a bank holiday and it’s closed, so we’re running on empty.