On and off for more than three decades, 4x4 cars and off-road trail bikes have been banned from an historic track across the Mid Wales uplands for fear they would destroy the delicate route. To the horror of conservationists and countryside guardians, £300,000 has now been earmarked to resurface the byway, which was originally created by 12th century monks.

The resurfacing plan will once again make the Monks’ Trod byway accessible to off-road motorcyclists, who say the improvements will benefit walkers and cyclists just as much as riders. Critics have labelled the scheme “foolhardy” and say it will ruin a serene route, harm wildlife and damage peat-rich landscapes that are vital for carbon storage.

  • @Sizzler@slrpnk.net
    33 months ago

    This was something I was pondering yesterday, I was on a walk near an Iron Age Fort that also has a quarry nearby. (Industry and noise near history/preserved locations)

    You can’t hold back the tide, more people want to ride powered-bikes in the countryside.

    For me the best solution is to have separate routes that keep the bikes to farmer’s lanes and muddy tracks. Would it also not be great to say only electric bikes allowed so you reduce the noise pollution specifically?

    It’s a way to safely introduce electric bikes and gives the people what they want.

    Anything else and you will continue to have lawless biker behaviour damaging more vulnerable spots.

    • @maculata@aussie.zone
      63 months ago

      The problem is the physical damage more than the noise. Although to be fair, the noisier the bike, the more attractive it is to the sort of single-digit IQ chucklefuck who would go off-trail and start really tearing stuff up.

      Noisy trail motorcycles are a complete menace here in Australia and attract the worst sort of people. They shouldn’t be allowed at all in the UK.

      • @Sizzler@slrpnk.net
        23 months ago

        Physical damage = keep the bikes to muddy farm lanes.

        I’m confused as to how in a place like Australia they are not just disappearing into the outback?

        “Attract the worst sort of people” It’s definitely a youth activity, is that what you mean?

        • @maculata@aussie.zone
          23 months ago

          The more feral the person, monied or otherwise, the more they seem to like loud engines. Youth and adults.