On and off for more than three decades, 4x4 cars and off-road trail bikes have been banned from an historic track across the Mid Wales uplands for fear they would destroy the delicate route. To the horror of conservationists and countryside guardians, £300,000 has now been earmarked to resurface the byway, which was originally created by 12th century monks.

The resurfacing plan will once again make the Monks’ Trod byway accessible to off-road motorcyclists, who say the improvements will benefit walkers and cyclists just as much as riders. Critics have labelled the scheme “foolhardy” and say it will ruin a serene route, harm wildlife and damage peat-rich landscapes that are vital for carbon storage.

  • maculata@aussie.zone
    6 months ago

    The more feral the person, monied or otherwise, the more they seem to like loud engines. Youth and adults.