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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • im skeptical with the amount of people on the original forum and github saying the cracker had bundled malware with it at some point

    i used to run an older version of cc (i think it was cc2018 where u just had to swap a dll to make it think u had an infinite trial) and then recently i’ve switched to gimp and inkscape and haven’t looked back.

    i’d honestly recommend foss alternatives for anyone who does gfx and photo stuff as a hobby over the adobe cc just for how much quicker and relatively stable they are

  • been using nicotine+ and it’s been pretty light on resources for me, on windows with ~2.8tb of shared files i’ve never seen it use more than 1% cpu or 200-300mb ram on my system. I feel you on the 1st point tho, I’m running mine off a laptop that I use for school work etc. and my shares are stored on a external hdd, so it’s impossible to have it running 24/7 even though I’d love to be able to do that. I think a nas is probably the best solution for big collections and thats what most of the slsk users with several tb of files use, but it can definitely be a decent investment of time and money