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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The possible origins should be discussed. By experts. What kind of discussion are you looking for? I’m not a bioweapons expert. Are you? What possible conclusion can we come to that actual experts might not have considered?

    I just see this idea that everyone’s viewpoint is equivalently valid everywhere and it drives me crazy. This is a scientific question. Real experts study this stuff their entire lives. The one guy with a Ph.D. in Microbiology has an opinion that’s worth more than a million random idiots with a keyboard and internet. Maybe instead of coming to our own conclusions, we listen.

  • I think you’re getting down voted for two reasons.

    1. OP’s comment didn’t state anything factual. It was rude to accuse him of attempting to “propagate incorrect information.”

    2. You’re lumping together two very different types of spending and it feels like you’re making a disingenuous argument. The vast majority of spending you’re talking about is Social Security/Medicare which has received near constant increases. Welfare programs on the other hand have been under attack since the 90s. I can say that Social Security, Medicare, and the FAA together make up almost half the budget but it doesn’t make a good argument for cutting the FAA.

    All that said, I do think you make a good point that there’s other programs to look at. Maybe we can cut the military budget while also looking at saving money on Medicare.

  • I think we can all agree that both companies have terrible management in different ways.

    But this dream that MS will just clean house with Act/Blizz management is just that. If MS replaces all of senior management over the next year or two, the studios will grind to a halt. Someone has to make decisions about resource allocations. I’m dubious about the competence of senior management in general but someone has to decide the dev budget, the marketing budget, feature set, etc. And someone has to make decisions midstream when it becomes clear your battle royale game will get lost in a sea of Fortnite clones.

    If MS starts firing these guys, they’ll see the writing on the wall and go elsewhere on their terms, leaving the company unable to make those decisions. I just can’t see MS firing anyone but the top guys.

  • Preds fan here. I thought the Preds were making a big mistake trading Weber. He was the backbone of the team and best player by far. If he hadn’t fallen apart in Montreal, I think we’d be talking about him in the same breath with MacInnis and Bourque.

    But in the end, Weber declined fast and PK was never the difference maker the Preds were looking for. The one thing PK did bring to the Preds was a sense of putting all the chips on the table. The other players responded by mostly having their best career performances all in one year to get them to the cup.

    If a few plays had gone differently in those finals, we might be saying how PK got them a cup. It really could have gone either way in that series.

  • I’m not OP but I have a friend that was pretty miffed about it. He had the same username on several platforms and on Discord he shared the name with a couple people. One of them apparently had priority and now he has to tell people “I’m blah on x, y, and z. And on Discord I’m blah123.” It’s not the end of the world but just gives him a reason not to share his Discord.

    For a platform looking to maintain and grow users, it just seems pretty shortsighted to inconvenience even 5% of users. If the rename had led to some kick ass feature I’m sure people would be fine. There just doesn’t seem to be any tangible benefit for existing users.

  • I don’t get the difference between fried egg and over easy if they’re fried on both sides. I’m no eggspert (it’s father’s day so you’ll have to excuse the Dad joke) but over easy should have a runny yolk and this one looks pretty cooked.

    P.S. Thanks for the picture OP. I’ve never seen all the ways to cook an egg in one picture.