• 40 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2022


  • Typically I respond with the obvious “they’re not” answer - but even if they were - it’s important to realize who the real enemy is in that situation. These people are often coming from war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, primarily BECAUSE OF U.S. CAPITALISM AND IMPERIALISM. They wouldn’t even be here if they weren’t forced by horrific material conditions.

    I ask the person to consider if they would want to leave everything, their family, common language, homeland, for no reason other than “my life might be a little better there” and the answer is obviously no. The immigrants they are concerned about (the poor, desperate brown ones - not the rich French or x “white” ones) are coming out of absolute desperation and taking shitty jobs that often aren’t even ones they’d be doing in the first place. They are the most exploitable and therefore most exploited people. They have much more in common with you (the x ignorant or racist person) than you do with any of these people you see on TV. Why don’t you stop blaming them and punching down and focus that energy on uniting with others like you - working class people - and take some action instead of posting racist memes on Facebook?

  • I wouldn’t say equally important, only because in the situation of someone doing 100% online work compared to someone doing 100% physical life work, you’d obviously prefer the latter.

    However it’s important to recognize the very real benefits online communist activity has. Fuck, that’s what got me involved. That’s where I got most of my information. It’s where I learned to discuss well, it played a humongous developmental role in becoming a communist that does things irl too.

    Like others have said, we need tech spaces not controlled by major corporations. We need places that don’t censor us, that we can confidently post things and organize on. Especially when things get more spicy here in the states. That is, in my opinion, a real life benefit.

    We can’t expect just working online to change anything, but we sure as hell can use the crazy amount of people online and useful tools that the internet has to bolster our movement. Full solidarity with our software commies.

    *I’d like to make an edit/clarification because after thinking some more, they’re about as close to being equally important as you can get in today’s age. Specifically in the west. Even in the scenario I created earlier, it’s better to have both of those people than just one, because the online-commie can absolutely assist the real-life commie in many tangible and not tangible ways. I think of the research done and articles gathered from those of us on this platform, that never could’ve happened if it were just me researching. Having a, for lack of a better term, think tank designed for us is really important for developing correct ideas and discussion.

  • The one you can actually join.

    If you’re in a large city, and have choices, my recommendation is FRSO. They are not a party, but kind of function as one. It will make more sense when you read about them and talk to a member. You can DM me and I can give you more information if you’re interested.

    It is true, what diegeticscream said about not one party winning the revolution at the end of it. It’s going to be the masses, first and foremost, and many parties will likely come together or spar when the time comes. Just due to the nature of the US’s consciousness, or lack thereof, there will not be a dominant workers party here in the US for a long time. Longer than we have to carry out a revolution before a total fascist descent and climate change destroys everything. So it’s going to be mass organizations that veer more radical under leadership of communists who work with the people, not an explicit communist party. At least, that’s what I’ve picked up in my 6 months of organizing. I might revise that as time goes on.

    My answer still remains the one you can actually join. Just get off your cheeks, every little thing counts. Even a conversation. Sure, it’s not material the way we think of it, but those words are creating some kind of thought process in another’s head, which may lead them to venture and learn more and become a great communist one day. That’s how we all got here, no? Didn’t just wake up as a tankie. Qualitative changes only come after many many quantitative ones. Those quantitative ones have to be built by us. So do SOMETHING and do not get discouraged when you’re months in and haven’t changed much. The one you can actually join and participate in is the best party for you.

    That’s not to say there isn’t a “best” ML organization in the US, and for that my answer is also unchanged, I say FRSO.

  • Did the liberals redefine dictatorship to mean absolute authority by one brutal ruler?

    Yes, literally yes. This is how it is used colloquially in many parts of the US, Kim Jong Un and Xi are both literally the strongest men in their whole societies and everyone listens to everything they say at all times. Zero material or class analysis.

    This is also how they think of Hitler. He literally controlled it all in their minds, and I genuinely believe this is why they sympathize with Nazis so much because they genuinely believe fascism isn’t an oiled machine funded by many arms of capital and people, but is truly a brainwashed population completely subservient to one person. Like I said, no class or material analysis. Embarrassing.

    Edit: Further, I have had acquaintances who know I’m a communist and heard me use “DoTP” before ask me in good faith - “So why do you think a dictatorship is the way to go? Why one person?”

    They were not being rude or bad faith. They were trying to understand my position and did not even consider the possibility that I am talking in class dictatorship terms. It’s very sad to see.