Does something technical in the Boston (MA, US) area. He/him.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Grew up in fairly rural upstate New York, where you can expect lots of snow and you can unironically envy neighbors who have working Franklin stoves when the power goes out.

    I can confirm all of the above, plus: if you are lucky enough to have an Army-Navy surplus store around, one of your handmedowns is likely to be an N3B parka. Definitely not Russian or German or stylish. But it will keep everything above your thighs warm, except your hands. The pockets are uninsulated.

  • The thing about rationalists is that they are fully invested in irrational beliefs, which they prefer not to examine. In other words, just like most people, but with a specific terminology that, if they use it properly, identifies them as one of the elect.

    I suggest that whenever your relative talks about EA, you talk about kindness. When they bring up longtermism, point out that you have to survive in the short term to reach the long term, so working on better policies now is rather important. If they start in on life extension, note that until quite recently, all the major advances in improving average human lifespan come from improving infant mortality, and be prepared to explain the demographic transition.

    When they go extropian, say that it’s a nice vision of the future but your kids are unlikely to see it unless we fix the world we’re currently in.

    But most of all, point out that multiplying infinitesimals by infinities to justify any course of action (a) is Pascal’s Wager and (b) justifies every course of action – so it can’t justify any.

  • I’d like to believe that it’s a temporarily embarrassed millionaire coping mechanism: “I will of course come out on top as an alpha techbro philosopher-king, but while I’m in the process of being recognized you should all definitely give me money. Better not make it conditional on me doing anything.”

    Whereas I prefer forging a clear path to long-term happiness for humans by getting them all past the demographic transition, improving quality of life and reducing the numbers by making it less attractive to have many kids. I suspect the best way to do that involves regulating capitalism down to a nice incentive system.

  • So, uh…

    • “almost all of the talented executives and ops people were in 1950” ::> what the ever-living fuck? Citations needed. Many, many citations, because what would be special about the people born in 1900-1925 to distinguish them from the people born in 1950-1975 or any other particular period?
    • Also, why would anyone think that they didn’t have children?
    • or that executive/operational success is heritable
    • or even repeatable?
    • “no blog post I can figure out how to write could even come close to making more people being good executives” ::> I’m not sure anyone proceeding from these unexamined assumptions could write a blog post explaining how to make pickles.