If all you care about is whether it tastes good and not whether it tastes the same, then I have this great coffee substitute.
hands bag of Haribo
If all you care about is whether it tastes good and not whether it tastes the same, then I have this great coffee substitute.
hands bag of Haribo
I read it, and there was a weird claim that pedestrianisation would make it harder for the poor’s to access.
Because they couldn’t either take the underground, or a bus, to the end of the road.
So you think that adding more space for wheelchairs is a bad thing?
I didn’t think that you were. I was criticising Notepad as a really shitty “editor”.
I personally set tabs to 2 spaces, but then thats the beauty of tabs over spaces. You can have two or four, or even eight if you hate yourself without impacting anyone else.
People who demand spaces are Republicans, they want to force their 2/4/8 space rule on you even if it is inconsequential.
Reform UK being a bunch of Nazis isn’t surprising at all
Reform pretending that any of them would vote for communism is. Are they actually that unaware of the party they joined?
This is factually incorrect.
They can sell it for whatever price they want on other platforms.
What they can’t do is sell the freely generated Steam keys on other stores for less than the cost of selling them on Steam.
So they cannot put a game on Steam, then generate 100 free keys and put them on Greenman Games for 30% less than Steam. They can definitely put it on Epic for 30% less and let Epic pay the hosting and distribution.
What on earth games are you trying to play that are less resource intensive than the Steam Client?
I have old laptops that can run it without seeing any impact.
Its funny that the argument against tabs is purely because someone once opened a file in a shitty editor.
I read that as Jig-antic. I would have to turn it into jygantik for it to sound the same.
If Canonical folded, someone else could come along and reinvent everything on the server side. And that makes it Open Source?
Explain how this distinction matters in the real world?
Snap distribution is as much a part of snaps as Snapd.
Who cares that part of it is open source if other parts aren’t?
On the one hand we have
Man claims he needs benefit that he no longer gets
And on the other we have no critical analysis or explanation of how the cap works and why £2.50 would reduce benefits by £500. Without this it sounds like “old man grumbles”.
If this is true then its awful, but I would have hoped that a BBC article would provide a bit more context.
If these people are really that bad off then we should just provide a better pension rather than fucking around with lots of tiny allowances. Either people dont have enough money and have to choose between heating and eating and we support them, or they don’t.
I need some, any, context before I can understand this.
As a thought experiment, would supporting a workers union be left wing, even if it was for coal miners?
If only Labour hadn’t rallied against it.
What’s being green got to do with being left wing?
This is really the problem with left/right, you can be green and Tory or Labour. Green has little to do with supporting workers rights or supporting the church and monarchy.
[Edit] To clarify, being against building and preferring green spaces is a green position and also a driver for NIMBYs.
Tories get played as fools by their own party constantly, the little old dears in church voting Tory aren’t supporting them because they keep moving more fash.
Oh god. I knew this Tory bot would be at it again.
Fuck off, I dont want the government throwing more money at the NHS for it to be passed to mandatory contracts with Tory chums.
I suppose you supported the billions spent on shitty COVID waste when it went via the NHS.
Or even avoid all of this discussion and just make it in FUSE?
My headphones have a USB c port and connects at USB 2 speeds.
Or even fruit “tea” drinkers…