super_mario_69 [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2021


  • Few things are as uninteresting as listening to someone else’s dream, but this one felt different. I had a scary realistic dream last night that the skyscrapers in Helsinki were destroyed by some kind of fucked up artillery shells that burned them to a husk in an instant, and only left the burned out skeleton of the buildings standing. It was during a fireworks display, and three of the boomy sounds were a lot more ominous and deep, and then a few moments later the shells came and hit the buildings at the same time.

    That was scary enough, but I remember being more scared about what the potential reaction will be. Everyone will blame the russians, of course. People were already frothing with bloodlust in the direct aftermath, including the friends I was with. That felt fucked up. But wait a minute, the shells clearly came from the northwest? And why did I hear the artillery firing? Must have been fairly close, how would the russians have gotten there? This was obviously planned to coincide with the fireworks to, idk, mask the sounds? Then I woke up relieved as heck that it was only a dream. Not looking particularly much forward to when this kind of scenario inevitably plays out in the not-too-distant future.

  • I watched it kind of seems like Tucker doesn’t really understand wtf Putin is talking about most of the time. Wasted potential. It’s really fascinating to see how Putin speaks though. He’s certain a bougie, but he is much more aware of geopolitics and historical context than any contemporary western head of state I’m familiar with. I don’t know for a fact that what he says is necessarily true, but I’m much more inclined to believe what he says because he can at least back it up with some kind of analysis based in, you know, reality. Stark god damn contrast to all the rabid baby brained natoid rules based order absolutist Finnish leaders I have had the misfortune of listening to.

    Alright, I’m gonna watch the Oliver Stone interview next.

  • The new government is universally reviled by most people under 30, low-income workers, and the “blue-collar” unions (especially health care). Among boomers, chuds, the self-proclaimed middle-class, and the Economists Union (certified cringe union that are explicitly not partaking in any strike action, lmao) opinions range from lukewarm to supportive.They see the incoming austerity measures as “necessary” to counteract the previous governments “excessive spending” and something something national debt. The Confederation of Finnish Industries, EK, are ecstatic at the prospect of relaxed worker’s rights and lower wages, of course. They are kind of like a nega-union but for bigass companies and shareholders and porky-happy and can always be counted on to have the worst most ghoulish ambitions. Unfortunately they also have a lot of influence in economical policy. All of their boogiemen (national debt, excessive spending, etc) are complete imaginary garbage made up by the IMF or what the fuck ever, of course, but such is the state of most of Europe I suppose shrug-outta-hecks

    The previous government was generally less ghoulish with regards to labour politics and such, and generally had the opposite support (liked by under 30’s, low-income workers, and blue-collar unions; hated by chuds, boomers, middle class etc). They weren’t good by any of our definitions, but for what it’s worth they managed to begin undoing some of the damage the Sipilä cabinet had inflicted during their term before (getting rid of the “Aktiivimalli” for instance, a similar proposition to what the yellow vests protested against in France). Buuut then their reputation got absolutely fucked because of how they handled the pandemic, and then again by all the ukraine shit and then again with the following cost of living + energy crises. Not all of that was even their fault, but the damage was already done and the shit ass tabloids weren’t gonna miss out on starting a ruckus. Add to that the fact that they were mostly women, combined with how unbelievably fucking racist/sexist/everythingphobic the finnish people tend to be, and here we are now. The pendulum will keep swinging back and forth until either the proletariat takes up arms or the natoid warhawks finally get their wishes fulfilled and we all burn in nuclear hellfire.

  • There used to be a sort of socialist movement and commune in a rather obscure place called Munsala in Ostrobothnia, about 80 or so kilometers north of Vaasa. The Munsala socialism, or Munsala radicalism, they called it. It was started by people from the region who returned after having emigrated to the US in the late 1800’s. Many of them had found that US labour rights were absolutely fucked, and had began to work with various labour movements, and eventually discovered Marxism. A few dudes that returned home to Munsala in the early 1900’s started spreading the good word of Karl Marx in the region, and it was very popular among the almost entirely agrarian proletariat. It was a also rather religious movement. The local preachers took to incorporating the teachings of Marx in their sermons. They emphasised pacifism, sobriety, education, and parliamentarianism.

    That is, until the civil war broke out. The Munsala socialists mostly tried to stay out of it, but since the whites had decided to base themselves in Vaasa (80km away) and Pietarsaari/Jakobstad (30km away), they found themselves pretty much at the heart of enemy territory. They were often harassed by whites and cops, and used guerrilla style hidey holes in the local forests to hide. Many who didn’t hide were captured and executed or fled to Sweden. During the second world war, many Munsala socialists refused to fight, because of the finnish state’s alliance with Hitler and therefore its support for fascism. The able bodied men went back into hiding in their old forest hidey holes, while the rest of the village kept watch for cops and whites. In the 1930’s, a Munsala socialist and teacher named Walter Blomqvist fled to the US. He eventually ended up in Cuba, where he supposedly hung out with Castro and Che and took part in the revolution (here is an interview with the guy, in swedish)

    Machine translated summary

    Munsala idealist Walter Blomqvist moved to Cuba in the early 1930s. He experienced many stages of Cuba’s modern and bloody history and became friends with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Listen to him recount his fascinating memories.

    It was something of the Viking blood in the Munsala people that made elementary school teacher Walter Blomqvist leave the safety of Ostrobothnia and head out into the world. Via Sweden, Norway and Denmark, he acquired a taste for the big world. But he became increasingly anxious. He liked Munsala, but wanted to develop himself and the Munsala ideas.

    Walter Blomqvist travelled in 1929 with a small suitcase to study in Birmingham. There he applied for and received a scholarship to Columbia University in New York.

    Blomqvist had only fourteen dollars in his pocket when he arrived in New York. The first time in New York was therefore very difficult. But Blomqvist made contact with the Finnish-Swedish emigrant community.

    During his studies, Blomqvist met a Cuban girl, fell in love and got married. They couldn’t stay in the US because Blomqvist only had a student visa, so they travelled down to Havana, Cuba.

    As soon as Blomqvist arrived in Cuba, he fell in love with the country, the nature and the Cubans. There was a strange bright light over nature. But he was also upset by the huge gaps between rich and poor. For example, the plight of sugar cane workers.

    The country was held in a strong dictatorship by Fudgenico Batista, after a coup in 1952. But with the coup came an uprising against the dictatorship. Being the Munsala idealist that Blomqvist was, he became interested in the situation there and in the youth trying to resist the dictatorship. Walter Blomqvist believed that Cuba was in need of a great revolution, which came in 1959.

    Blomqvist had several personal contacts with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. We hear anecdotes about Fidel and Che.

    Walter met Che Guevara for the first time when he came down from the mountains. He was bearded and big, almost as tall as Fidel. But when Blomqvist and a Finnish journalist, Eva Aminoff, met Che as Minister of Industry in a luxury palace, it was strange to see the bearded, unshaven man among the luxury items.

    The Munsala Socialism is said to have been eradicated in the 70’s, after fur farming became a thing. It brought in vast amounts of money and resources to the thus far poor agrarian community, which “did away with any need for socialism”.

    This whole thing is of great personal meaning to me, because I grew up quite close to Munsala. I’ve driven through Munsala a fair few times. My grandma and grandpa both have roots in Munsala. Me and many in my family speak the same (or a similar) swedish dialect spoken in Munsala. So by all accounts, this should be common knowledge, or at least something I would have been taught, but no. I never ever once, not even a litte, heard of this before. Not a word about it in school or anything. Unbelievable. First time I heard of this was in maybe 2015, when a random woman at an anarchist café in Turku (southwest finland) overheard me saying something in swedish. She could tell I was from Ostrobothnia by the dialect, I guess. She asked if I’m from there, and I said that yeah, but I didn’t really like it because of its still very prevalent white (both as in mayo and as in wrong side of the civil war) mindset and culture. She told me to not feel bad about it, because there is a vast and colourful history of labour movements and class struggle there, “for example the Munsala Socialists”.

    Finnish natopedia article:

    Here is one article and videos about it in swedish:

    full documentary, also in swedish:

    Doesn’t seem to be available with subtitles either. It’s unfortunately very hard to find any more information about this in English. Erased history, I suppose.