Adelaide Casely-Hayford, born on the 2nd of June in 1868, was a Sierra Leone Creole Pan-African feminist, educator, and author. Hayford established a vocational school for young girls in Sierra Leone that emphasized racial and cultural pride.

Hayford was born into an elite Sierra Leone family in Freetown, British Sierra Leone. She spent much of her youth in England and studying throughout the West, also studying music in Germany at the age of 17.

While in England, Adelaide married West African author and Pan-Africanist J. E. Casely Hayford (also known as Ekra-Agiman). Their marriage may have influenced her transformation into a cultural nationalist.

In May 1914, Hayford returned to Sierra Leone, dedicating the rest of her life to educating African girls. In October 1923, she established the Girls’ Vocational School, one of the first educational institutions in Sierra Leone to provide young girls with an African-centered education, according to historian Keisha N. Blain.

Hayford frequently traveled throughout the world, giving a speaking tour in the United States on misconceptions about Africa. Author Brittany Rogers notes that these travels also exposed her to the exploitation of black female labor throughout the world.

Although her educational concept for young girls had a Victorian-influenced, middle class domesticity in mind, Rogers writes that these travels led Hayford to begin writing and speaking on matters of labor as well. Hayford died in her hometown of Freetown, Sierra Leone in 1960.

“Instantly my eyes were opened to the fact that the education meted out to [African people] had…taught us to despise ourselves. Our immediate need was an education which would instill into us a love of country, a pride of race, an enthusiasm for the black man’s capabilities, and a genuine admiration for Africa’s wonderful art work.”

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  • RION [she/her]
    25 days ago

    Me and the vampire bitch I pulled by being really bad at shaving

    There is no meme I just sliced my chin open and wanted to post about it

  • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    25 days ago

    Was driving with my 7 year old daughter yesterday. We passed a Cybertruck. My daughter said that truck looks so weird! I told her it was ok if she wanted to point and laugh at it, which we did.

    The whole afternoon she kept bringing up the weird trick we saw 😂

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
      24 days ago

      Very wholesome time. I know there’s at least one around here but i haven’t seen it yet in person. Soooooooo many teslas around here though so I’m sure I’ll get my chance to point and laugh.

      I’m already working out how best to go about forbidding my kid from ever getting into a tesla. They’re a toddler still but i look forward to being the dad that keeps asking tesla owners if they know where the emergency door release is and to show me they know how to operate it.

  • PurrLure [she/her]
    25 days ago

    Ugh, just made the mistake of learning more about someone I respected at work.

    The church they’re passionate enough about to volunteer with posts all this shit about love and acceptance and then you search the website past the flowery wording and find out they view all lgbtq as sinful (Just be celibate the rest of your life, it’s your personal test! internet-delenda-est ), that women can be in leadership roles… unless they want an actual position of power in the church as an elder lmao get fucked literally and keep popping out those babies, funds an anti-choice “support” organization that puts CHOICE in the name to trick isolated pregnant women into visiting and wasting what little time they have to get an abortion, considers alcoholism and masturbation to be equally serious in their men’s group, treats 10% tithe as mandatory and peer pressures up to 20% tithe, and apparently once you get deep enough into the group they tell you that other Christians from other types of churches aren’t real Christians and to not only cut them out of your life but to also cut out anyone that leaves your congregation.

    And of course they’re too cowardly to post an easy to read list on one of their main pages for all this, you really have to go out of your way and even listen to audio only pages and branch news sites / online gossip for most of this. They know how unpopular these once common stances are, honestly it’s only thing that gave me hope today. So yeah I’m glad I don’t share much about myself at work but lately it’s been getting difficult to resist the urge to stop masking altogether. Normally that’s a healthy urge, but I’ve got bills to pay.

    If a leftist revolution ever succeeds in this country, reeducation for the general population will be a requirement. xi-plz

  • Stoatmilk [he/him]
    24 days ago

    Under degrowth communism, we will finally stop wasting resources on things that do not matter (other people’s hobbies), and rationally direct them to things that do matter (my hobbies)

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    24 days ago

    Me, an American chauvinist shithead, discussing international politics;

    regarding Europe: I am fully qualified to comment on every level of politics down to the village level and my takes are accurate and valid

    regarding India: All I know is that I know nothing

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    25 days ago
    CW internalized transphobia, self harm, just a general cry for help

    I’m to a point where I just don’t believe other trans people when they say it’s never too late to transition. I have literally never seen a AMAB person with as much hair and weight as me transition and present in a way that would make me satisfied. If that’s you reading this and you’re happy, I’m sorry if this is disheartening to read and I would genuinely love more than anything else in my entire life to hear from you. Otherwise I think I’m just doomed to hate my body until I die. My brain is poisoned and my body is a coffin. I don’t have it in me to harm myself, but I started waiting for death years ago. I’m not even in my late 20’s and I’m already just running out the clock.

    • Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated [he/him]
      25 days ago

      Being an overweight/hairy trans woman is difficult because beauty standards for women are high and society constantly tells women that they need to be pretty and that they can only be pretty if they’re skinny and not hairy. I guess it’s important to keep this in mind when setting your transition goals. Your goal doesn’t need to include conforming to those standards (but it can if you feel that it’s important).

      Transitioning goes in steps and it’s impossible to know where you’ll end if you’re just starting. However most steps will make you feel a little bit better about yourself. You will only really know how you’ll end up if you start taking those steps (like getting hrt). And you might find out that even if you don’t conform to all beauty standards you can still feel happy with your body after transitioning. And if you don’t then there are ways to get rid of body hair or to lose weight. You’re young and you’re definitely not doomed to hate how you look forever. If you feel that you have nothing to lose why not just continue taking the necessary steps to transition?

      • TheDoctor [they/them]
        25 days ago

        This helped reframe a bit for me. I didn’t realize I was trying to decide on an endpoint and shoot for it rather than take small steps. Maybe that’s what I need. I’ve also never had someone refer to me as a woman before, so thank you.

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      25 days ago

      I know nothing but maybe you should start HRT? If your hormones get rejiggered it’ll probably unfuck your brain a bit and you wont feel quite so doomed. Also it might give you some positive results that inspire you to work harder become who you want to be.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      25 days ago

      I mean, sure, we’re all trapped in these decaying prisons of flesh, but wouldn’t you like to move the furniture of your flesh prison around to be more comfortable? Or just do it to spite god?

      Plus even if you’re never happy with the appearance of your meat battlemech, from what i understand getting your hormones worked out will help your mental health function. I know a woman who is like 6’3 with a receeding hairline, thought she couldn’t do it, and now she’s like three years in and seems like she’s much more steady and grounded. Not where she wants to be, but in a much better place than she was before she started hrt. Whether you’re ever happy with how your body looks, hormones will also greatly influence how your mind works, and how you interface and interact with your body.

      Regardless, yeah, it sucks. We’re trapped in a society that will not shut up about how we should look and dress and move, and then we’ve got our own goals and desires for our bodies that can be difficult or infeasible, and we’re all fighting the clock. Turtles don’t have to deal with this. They don’t sit around thinking “i am not the turtle i desire to be”. But we had to go evolve thumbs and pass the mirror test and now everything is a damn mess.

      • TheDoctor [they/them]
        25 days ago

        I know a woman who is like 6’3 with a receeding hairline, thought she couldn’t do it, and now she’s like three years in and seems like she’s much more steady and grounded.

        This in particular was good to hear. The whole post made me smile.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          25 days ago

          She’s an old, old acquaintance, i’ve watched her go through the whole process of self discovery and transition from a distance and she talks a lot now about feeling more stable, more true to herself, how a lot of hurt and anxieties she’s carried a long time have been laid aside in the process of being who she really is. She sounds happy. Like, she’s got her bad days, but she seems much happier, and when she’s not happy stronger.

  • Antiwork [none/use name]
    24 days ago

    Biden currently live spouting hateful rhetoric about Migrants to go along side his anti migrant executive order. He is going to lose so bad. He literally can’t pronounce a single word it’s all slurred as one.

  • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
    25 days ago

    sometimes i lurk on dating advice subreddits (partly out of morbid curiosity but also because where else r u gonna see actual humans stories n shit on the internet) and goddam does it attract some unhealed uncharitable bitter people. its understandable to get a bit jaded about modern dating and to guard your heart a bit but the amount of jumping to the absolute least charitable interpretations of peoples behaviors is pretty wild and sad. everythings a red flag, everyones a time waster, everyones doing a breadcrumbing, etc. idk i definitely get it but its still a bummer to see people becoming that cynical. but idk its just reddit-logo i shouldn’t take that shit too seriously

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      25 days ago

      I get around this by bipolar makes it hard for me to distrust people’s intentions so i just blob-no-thoughts assuming people are acting in good faith until they ghost me and then i kitty-cri-screm but my brain leaks like a seize and to exist is to suffer so i just blob-no-thoughts right back in next chance i get.

      • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
        25 days ago

        there are worse ways to be than trusting people until they give you a reason not to! getting burned is part of life and u dont get the rewards of human emotional bonds if u dont open yourself up to the risks

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      25 days ago

      I don’t really touch those subreddits just because the posts that get pushed to the frontpage are usually extremely cringe and enough of a warning sign for me not to wander in there. There’s also someone IRL that I talk to about my crush and he holds a lot of those same views and I have to fight so hard not to visibly cringe whenever he talks about the dating scene. I think the biggest problem is the proliferation of this type of mindset on social media as well. Both of my coworkers are always on TikTok or Insta watching the worst shit on dating. Like you take some extreme cases that, yes sound bad, but then act like everyone is exactly like this. I just can’t. I really fucking hate it.

      • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
        25 days ago

        yeah it’s a weird intersection of like the proliferation of misguided pop psychology and our just general culture of atomization and distrust and lack of empathy/charitability? idk its a bummer discourse 4 sure.

    • homhom9000 [she/her]
      25 days ago

      I remember seeing a thread saying something along the lines of should you disclose body count to someone that asked and most of the comments mentioned that it was both unimportant/immature but also should be disclosed anyway and not doing so is a red flag.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
      25 days ago

      I imagine most people don’t take it seriously but, I’d imagine I’d be a nervous wreck trying to discern is someone interprets my own inexperience dating as a bunch of red flags. I just want to meet someone to talk to about stuff and I’ve been away from that my whole life so much that any social skills I had are just ossified at this point.

    • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
      25 days ago

      wott if ya telly was also a freakin HOT babe che-poggers holy smokes and that smokeshow is makin FULL eye contact che-poggers ah frick how do i approach * slicks back hair * um uh hello m’dear wouldst thou appreciate a uh