Oh thank you! I had a great time, I didn’t expect as many people to come through and play it. I had set up carnival music to entice players, but never got a chance to use it as there was always a line, which was neat. Which game at PAX was your favourite?
If some criminal indictments came out against trump for being a pedophile, the right wing will go NUTS. “It’s a witch hunt!”.
If Clinton gets indicted for his pedophilia, lefties go “yeah good, about time”.
You see the difference right? One’s a cult, the other is normal?
I know that conservatives like to go “if you go after trump for being a pedophile, then what about Clinton?”
And EVERY SINGLE LEFTY goes “okay”.
Like, what a bizarre world where one side of the isle ignores pedophilia if it’s their idol doing it, and the other has a blanket “no pedophile” policy.
Opposite monkey paw situation, as cows are no longer farmed due to the poison risk, global emissions are massively reduced. And the huge amounts of land dedicated to feeding cows is returned to forestry, further reducing emissions.
The poisonous cows solve climate change long before the vegans can.
Gross vibes on this one
Here in Melbourne Australia, plastic bags are illegal. Same with plastic cutlery, plastic cups, straws etc, and Ive not heard any significant whinging.
Any country that hasn’t done it yet needs an authoritarian left wing government to storm in and force their gormless populace to grow up and take responsibility.
I bought an electric motorbike to use instead of a car, my right wing dad bummed me out when he said australia is 70% powered by fossil fuels.
I caught covid at PAX last weekend, but I couldn’t figure out how to report it. Even if the populace has stopped caring about covid, you’d think the government would still be putting in some effort.
What’s the purpose of having the three monkeys that basically all say the same thing?
Like, from a rhetoric standpoint?
Renters have to pay for their own water. I’ve lived in rentals for 15 years, and never saw a landlord do “upgrades” on my house. Didn’t stop them from upping the prices every opportunity they could. I’ll give you rates and repairs, although if landlords hadn’t scalped all the properties I’m sure people could afford to shop around to buy a better built property.
But who’s fault is that? That’s right, the investors/landlords who scalped all the houses, making supply scarce and causing prices to increase.
Owning more than two (and I’d argue more than one) properties should be illegal.
Homie still thinkin bout his ex 😬
Good on em. The more Just Stop Oil is in the news, the better.
Saved you a click (or embarrassment of not knowing what one looks like from the thumbnail)
It’s the tardigrade.
I don’t care about anyone’s hair. Maybe you misread my comment? You can sub in any action performatively done in response to a “no”.
Your misreading of my comment is toddler core.
Anybody (of any gender) that perfomatively does something solely out of spite is toddler core.
“My girlfriend told me she doesn’t like mullets so I got a mullet lol”
“My dad says I’m not allowed a tattoo so now I want one even more!”
Toddler core.
Good point, corrected.
I thought the theory that it affected childhood brains was based on the damage it cause to frontal lobe development? And the notion that it was up to age 21 was based on that erroneous “The frontal cortex is developed at 25 years old” study, that actually just stopped looking at patients older than 25?