We’ve all seen the JSO protests in various events. I’d like to think a good number of people here agree with the point they are making while being uncomfortable about the way they make the point.

I for one would not run into the field in Twickenham in the middle of the final. There is no cause in the world that would make me run into a professional Rugby front row.

Putting that to one side, how would you protest to make people really stop and think without annoying them to a point where your message suffers.

  • frazorth
    2 years ago

    How do you do it successfully? You don’t.

    It’s the same playbook that many successful movements use, having two groups with one extreme and one “moderate”.

    Suffragette and suffragists, black panther and MLK. Look at Peta, most people can kinda sorta agree with the general gist but find them extreme, but it opens the door for people to form groups that look out for animal welfare and “aren’t those crazy people”.

    It’s moving the centre, opening the door for anti-oil groups who aren’t extreme, who wouldn’t previously be engaged because they were fringe. Now they aren’t the fringe crazies.