New research shows the NHS was the world’s leading healthcare system before austerity put it in crisis — exposing calls for ‘reform’ as justification for more privatisation and underfunding.

  • Blake [he/him]
    259 months ago

    This should be totally obvious to everyone. Even from a heartless economic perspective, properly funding the NHS more than pays for itself - people who have health issues have reduced productivity, and that means less taxes for the government, and that they end up paying more in benefits, and the impact on people’s health tends to mean that one issue becomes a much bigger issue or other issues… leading to things to get worse to a point where they can’t be ignored and it’s much more expensive to put right.

    There is no good reason to continue to underfund the NHS. It is entirely ideologically motivated - despite the fact that publicly funded healthcare makes complete sense, it just doesn’t let the elite extract enough wealth from the rest of us!

      139 months ago

      But how are people supposed to profit off of that? It’s almost like you don’t want to exploit the healthcare system.