Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the author or just wants to skim through it, he will download the book.

He usually doesn’t like to pirate from small companies or professors who are trying to make a living by selling books, but from millionaires & plenty of mega corps which already have loads of money, he feels like it’s the right move to pirate

Also, have you ever noticed that you have felt that the value of a product has decreased just because you didn’t pay for it, thus you are less interested to read it? i.e., had you paid for the book, you would have more likely read that book.

He says he will buy stuff when his time is more valuable than money, let’s all hope that day is soon.

What are your piracy habits?

  • Blackmist
    1 year ago

    Games, no. Honestly, my limit at this stage of life is time and energy to play them. As a kid, I’d have boxes of pirate floppies and CDs.

    I have Netflix, Disney and Amazon Prime subscriptions. All three have taken a quality nosedive. Amazon shoves ads in, Disney gets little added apart from it’s own releases, and Netflix struggles to get anything before the others.

    I’ve recently started using the streaming pirate sites just because there’s more choice. Not just for new movies, but things like Children of the Corn, or Timecop. Older stuff that really should be on one of those three services, but isn’t.

    It’s become a service problem. Everyone wants to run their own streaming service, nobody really has the content to justify it, it’s now even more fragmented than cable and satellite were.

    They need to take a hint from the music industry. Every service there has just about everything.