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Below is a list of communities dedicated to British music, artists, and genres (lemme know if you have any others!).


Genres (general)

Specific Bands/Artists

Metal, Rock, & Punk

A lot of rock, punk, and metal music is heavily entwined with British music, even if not explicitly solely created here. Therefore, I am including these genres here (at least, the ones that are more closely linked to British music in some form), albeit they likely aren’t primarily British in focus.

List of Metal Communities
List of Rock Communities
List of Punk Communities

Duplicate Communities

Below are communities that already exist in a more-active form listed above. They’re listed here nonetheless for posterity, but the above-listed equivalents are probably better options for you.

Duplicate Community List
    • OrlandoDoomM
      1 year ago

      Hey, I’m just posting stuff to get us started, the community can evolve however it likes!

      If discussion threads about live events is what people wanna see, try it, you’ll never know until you do.

      I don’t like commitment though so if you or want mod access to pin/unpin weekly threads or however this manifests, lemmy know (hope you enjoyed that little pun)