There’s something extra sinister, when descendants of immigrants are such vile assholes towards immigrants.
Money is the bottom line. The elite view the people below them as subhuman.
If the you guys would go ahead & get rid of the rest of Putin’s buddies in power in the UK, that would be great.
For all the shit the US gets for their stupid population, the UK gets way too much of a pass. From following W into illegal wars, to Brexit the UK populace is as full of stupid as US.
To be fair I’m not sure the British public had that much of a say with regards to invading Iraq.
Same excuse for the US and Bush. At the end of the day, both populations voted for two assholes.
Well when the choice is an arshole in red or an arshole in blue what are you supposed to do but go for the one who’s less…William Hague?