• downpunxx
    7313 days ago

    I seem to be in the minority but I’m a fan of the Riddick movies, they’re weird high budget scifi, and Vin Diesel is a big enough on screen badass to pull them off. I’m down. Bring on the night.

  • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
    2913 days ago

    These movies are a blast. I genuinely like them. I think if FF didn’t exist, people wouldn’t be so publicly cruel to them. People act as if Vin Diesel is some kind of piece of shit, when really he’s just a typical movie producer and dork.

    • NoSpiritAnimal
      1413 days ago

      Riddick is the most interesting thing Diesel has ever produced. I love these movies. They’re a bit self serious and sorta cheesy, but a lot of the best scifi is.

  • @Woozythebear@lemmy.world
    1613 days ago

    Pitch black was the only movie worth watching in the series. That movie was really good. The rest were meh at best.

  • dandi8
    413 days ago

    I’m just hoping for a new Riddick game. Escape from Butcher Bay was amazing.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    413 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Vin Diesel is officially returning to the world of Pitch Black and galactic antihero Riddick, the sci-fi action franchise that gave the actor his first major leading role.

    Diesel stars and produces the film, which reteams him with David Twohy, the filmmaker who has directed all of the franchise’s previous entries.

    Pitch Black, released by Universal in 2000, introduced Diesel as a captured criminal that, along with several other passengers, crash lands on a planet where sundown unleashes feral monsters.

    The deal resulted in the 2013 entry Riddick, which brought the series back to its more modest, creature feature roots.

    In Furya, which Diesel and Twohy have been developing and teasing since 2014, Riddick finally returns to his homeworld, a place he barely remembers and one he fears might be left in ruins.

    Rocket Science represented the international sales rights and has completed worldwide cornerstone pre-sales to a slew of territories, including UK (yet to be announced), France (Metropolitan), Germany (Leonine), Spain and Latin America (Sun), Benelux (The Searchers), Poland (Kinoswiat), Canada (Elevation), Scandinavia (Scanbox), Portugal (Lusomundo), Switzerland (Ascot Elite), South Africa (Empire), Greece (Femeway), Middle East (Front Row), CIS and Baltic States (Volga), Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech/Slovak, Republic Former Yugoslavia (ProRom) and Thailand (Sahamongkhol).

    The original article contains 386 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 47%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @psmgx@lemmy.world
    -213 days ago

    Studios think this is a good idea? Listen, the Necromomongers had a cool aesthetic, but that’s about the only thing the Riddick universe has to offer. Vinny D needs another set of IP that’s not Riddick or Fast and Furious

    • @GiantRobotTRex@lemmy.sdf.org
      2813 days ago

      No, the studios probably don’t think it’s a good idea.

      Vin Diesel really loves Riddick. It’s his passion project. Universal was willing to let the franchise die after two films but he wasn’t, so he did a cameo in Tokyo Drift in exchange for the rights to the franchise. Then he independently raised funds for the third film and fronted a bunch of his own money, going so far as to mortgage his house to keep the production afloat.

      I’m sure it’s the same with this fourth film. The series was never all that profitable so the studios wouldn’t push to make another one. It’s gotta be Vin Diesel pushing to have it made because he personally deeply cares about the franchise.

    • UKFilmNerdOPM
      1113 days ago

      I was just saying to someone that I think Riddick is one of those characters who are better the less you know about them, like the original film.

      Of course all the sequels try to answer those questions.

      On the other hand, the Xbox game, Escape From Butcher Bay, was one the better film tie-ins I’ve played.