Deadpool & Wolverine as a film has allowed both titular heroes to reach the third and fourth spot in the total box office gross for each Marvel character, replacing Iron Man. Notably, for Deadpool, this was done with only three movies, resulting in an average of $865 million gross per film for the hero. This is higher than Thor’s $676 million per film and is an especially incredible achievement for an R-rated franchise. While Spider-Man has still made more money overall as one of Marvel’s most popular characters, future films may allow Deadpool to overtake this spot.

The table:

Titular Marvel Character Total Box Office
Spider-Man $3,920,121,775
Thor $2,705,339,993
Deadpool $2,597,841,443
Wolverine $2,435,016,309
Iron Man $2,421,720,208
Captain America $2,236,871,251
Black Panther $2,188,142,628
Doctor Strange $1,628,568,160
Ant-Man $1,605,638,412
Captain Marvel $1,329,282,344
The Wasp $1,086,779,963
Hulk $510,605,538