I’m running a bit skint at the mo, so nothing new from me for a while! 😆

However, I pre-ordered Arrow Video’s release of Tremors 2: Aftershocks which isn’t released until November.

  • UKFilmNerdOPM
    1 year ago

    I’ve been tempted to pick up Event Horizon in 4K and after discovering I had a £5 voucher, I snagged this French for off eBay for just £10.

    I love the artwork which I hadn’t seen before and I think it’s so much better than the standard US poster art.

    It’s literally just a 4K copy of the film. No Blu-ray or any extras at all.

    I’m a big fan of the film and I bought the 2 disc dvd edition back in the day and Paramount have been recycling those extras ever since so I’m not missing out.